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Mathematics | Algebraic Expressions and Identities

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Introduction to CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter "Algebraic Expressions and Identities"

In “Algebraic Expressions and Identities,” Class 8 students explore the fundamental components of algebra: expressions, terms, coefficients, and variables. The chapter begins by defining what algebraic expressions are and how they are formed using numbers and variables, combined with arithmetic operations. It distinguishes between different types of expressions, such as monomials, binomials, and polynomials.

Moving forward, the chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of algebraic identities, which are equations that hold true for any value of the variables. These identities, like (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b², are not only mathematical curiosities but powerful tools for simplifying and solving equations. Through engaging examples and practice problems, students get to apply these identities to expand and factorize algebraic expressions, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

The curriculum emphasizes understanding through discovery and application, ensuring that students can see the relevance of algebra in solving real-world problems. By the end of the chapter, students will be comfortable with the language of algebra and ready to tackle more complex algebraic challenges.

Assignments for CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter “Algebraic Expressions and Identities”

  1. Expression Construction: Build your own algebraic expressions using everyday quantities, like the total cost in terms of the number of items bought.
  2. Identity Application: Apply different algebraic identities to simplify given algebraic expressions.
  3. Real-Life Identities: Find examples of algebraic identities in real-life contexts, such as calculating areas and volumes.
  4. Factorization Practice: Factorize complex algebraic expressions into their simplest forms.
  5. Creative Identities: Invent a new algebraic identity and demonstrate that it works with various sets of numbers.

The chapter “Algebraic Expressions and Identities” serves as a cornerstone in the edifice of algebra. It equips students with a deep understanding of how to form, use, and simplify algebraic expressions and the profound truths held within algebraic identities. This foundational knowledge paves the way for mastering more sophisticated mathematical concepts and appreciating algebra’s beauty and utility.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter "Algebraic Expressions and Identities"

  1. Q1: What is an algebraic expression?
    ANS: An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that can contain ordinary numbers, variables (like x or y), and operators (like add, subtract, multiply, and divide).
  2. Q2: What are algebraic identities?
    ANS: Algebraic identities are equations that describe relationships that are true for all values of the variables involved.
  3. Q3: Give an example of a binomial.
    ANS: An example of a binomial is x + y, which is an algebraic expression with two terms.
  4. Q4: How do you expand (a – b)² using algebraic identities?
    ANS: By using the identity (a – b)² = a² – 2ab + b², you can expand (a – b)².
  5. Q5: Why is it useful to factorize algebraic expressions?
    ANS: Factorizing algebraic expressions is useful for simplifying complex expressions and solving algebraic equations.
  6. Q6: Can algebraic expressions have fractional coefficients?
    ANS: Yes, algebraic expressions can have fractional coefficients.
  7. Q7: What is the coefficient in the algebraic term 7xy?
    ANS: The coefficient in the term 7xy is 7.
  8. Q8: How is algebra used in real life?
    ANS: Algebra is used in real life for various purposes, such as in finances for calculating interest, in construction for figuring out dimensions, and in computer programming for creating algorithms.
  9. Q9: What is a polynomial?
    ANS: A polynomial is an algebraic expression with one or more terms, where each term includes a variable raised to a non-negative integer power and has a coefficient.
  10. Q10: What is the significance of using variables in algebra?
    ANS: Variables allow us to create general expressions that can solve a wide range of problems and represent unknown quantities in equations.

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