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Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter "Sentences”

The chapter covers the four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Students learn about the structure and function of each type of sentence, as well as how to identify and use them in writing.

Students also learn about sentence structures, including simple, compound, and complex sentences. They learn how to construct sentences using subjects, verbs, objects, and other grammatical elements to convey meaning clearly and effectively.


Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 8 English:“Sentences

  • Sentence Identification: Identify and classify the following sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Provide a brief explanation for each classification.
  • Sentence Construction: Construct five sentences of each type (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory) using different subjects and verbs. Pay attention to sentence structure and punctuation.
  • Sentence Analysis: Analyze a paragraph from a story or article and identify the types of sentences used. Discuss how the use of different sentence types enhances the readability and impact of the text.


“Sentences” is a fundamental chapter that lays the groundwork for understanding the structure and function of sentences in English grammar. By mastering the types and structures of sentences, students can improve their writing and communication skills.


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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 8 English: “Sentences"

Q1: What are the four types of sentences covered in the chapter?

ANS: The four types are declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.

Q2: How are declarative sentences used?

ANS: Declarative sentences make statements or convey information. They end with a period.

Q3: What is the purpose of interrogative sentences?

ANS: Interrogative sentences ask questions and end with a question mark.

Q4: How are imperative sentences structured?

ANS: Imperative sentences give commands or make requests. They can end with a period or exclamation mark.

Q5: What is the function of exclamatory sentences?

ANS: Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or feelings. They end with an exclamation mark.

Q6: How are simple sentences structured?

ANS: Simple sentences consist of a subject and a verb and express a complete thought.

Q7: What distinguishes compound sentences from simple sentences?

ANS: Compound sentences contain two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions or punctuation.

Q8: What are complex sentences?

ANS: Complex sentences contain an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses, which cannot stand alone as complete sentences

Q9: How can students improve their sentence construction skills?

ANS: Students can improve by practicing writing sentences, varying sentence structures, and paying attention to punctuation and grammar rules.

Q10: Why is understanding sentence structure important?

ANS: Understanding sentence structure is important for clear and effective communication. It helps convey meaning accurately and allows for more engaging writing.

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