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Staffing is a critical function in management that involves hiring and developing the human resources required to fill various positions within an organization. It ensures that the right number of people with the necessary skills are available to meet the organization's objectives.

Introduction to CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter "Staffing"

This chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of the staffing process, emphasizing its importance and the steps involved. The main topics covered include:

  1. Meaning and Importance of Staffing:
    • Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness.
    • Importance includes the efficient use of human resources, building a productive workforce, improving job satisfaction, and maintaining organizational stability.
  2. Staffing Process:
    • Manpower Planning: Estimating the future requirements of human resources in an organization.
    • Recruitment: The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.
    • Selection: The process of choosing the most suitable candidate to fill the vacant position.
    • Placement and Orientation: Introducing the selected candidate to the organization and its culture.
    • Training and Development: Enhancing the skills, capabilities, and knowledge of employees.
    • Performance Appraisal: Evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards.
    • Compensation: Deciding the pay and benefits for employees.
  3. Recruitment:
    • Internal Sources: Promotions, transfers, internal advertisements, employee referrals.
    • External Sources: Campus recruitment, advertisements, employment exchanges, recruitment agencies.
  4. Selection:
    • Steps in Selection Process: Preliminary screening, application forms, selection tests, interviews, reference checks, medical examination, and final selection.
  5. Training and Development:
    • Training: Enhancing the skills and knowledge of employees to perform current jobs.
    • Development: Preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities.
    • Methods of Training: On-the-job training (job rotation, coaching, apprenticeship) and off-the-job training (classroom lectures, simulation exercises, case studies).

Assignments for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter “Staffing”

  1. Case Study Analysis: Analyze a company’s staffing process and identify key areas for improvement.
  2. Research Project: Investigate the impact of effective staffing on organizational performance.
  3. Debate Preparation: Prepare for a debate on the merits and demerits of internal versus external recruitment.
  4. Chart Creation: Create a flowchart detailing the steps in the staffing process.
  5. Role Play: Conduct a mock recruitment and selection process, with students acting as HR managers and candidates.


The chapter “Staffing” equips students with the essential knowledge of how organizations acquire and manage their human resources. Understanding the staffing process helps in building a competent workforce that contributes to the overall success of the organization.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter "Staffing"

Q1: What is staffing?

  • ANS: Staffing is the process of hiring and developing the required human resources to fill in various positions in the organization.

Q2: Why is staffing important?

  • ANS: Staffing is important for the efficient use of human resources, building a productive workforce, improving job satisfaction, and maintaining organizational stability.

Q3: What are the steps involved in the staffing process?

  • ANS: The steps include manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement and orientation, training and development, performance appraisal, and compensation.

Q4: What are the internal sources of recruitment?

  • ANS: Internal sources include promotions, transfers, internal advertisements, and employee referrals.

Q5: What are the external sources of recruitment?

  • ANS: External sources include campus recruitment, advertisements, employment exchanges, and recruitment agencies.

Q6: What is the difference between training and development?

  • ANS: Training enhances the skills and knowledge of employees for current jobs, while development prepares employees for future roles and responsibilities.

Q7: What are the methods of training?

  • ANS: Methods of training include on-the-job training (job rotation, coaching, apprenticeship) and off-the-job training (classroom lectures, simulation exercises, case studies).

Q8: What is performance appraisal?

  • ANS: Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards.

Q9: How does compensation affect staffing?

  • ANS: Compensation, which includes pay and benefits, is crucial for attracting, motivating, and retaining employees.

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