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Prose | The Invention of Vita-Wonk

A story about a man called Willy Wonka who invents an antidote for getting old called Vita-Wonk

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter "The Invention of Vita-Wonk"

“The Invention of Vita-Wonk” is a whimsical tale about an inventor who creates a potion that can age a person—a complete contrast to the youth-obsessed culture of today. The story, replete with Roald Dahl-esque elements, takes the reader on a journey with the inventor, Mr. Wonka, as he seeks out the most unusual ingredients from around the world to concoct his age-enhancing elixir, Vita-Wonk.

In this narrative, students explore themes of creativity, the natural cycle of life, and the acceptance of aging. The chapter emphasizes the wonder of exploration and the thrill of discovery. It also presents an opportunity to discuss the ethics of scientific inventions and their impact on society. Through this engaging story, students learn to appreciate the boundless realms of innovation and the fantastical possibilities within literature.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 7 English:  “The Invention of Vita-Wonk”

Assignment 1: Write a short story about an invention with unexpected consequences.

Assignment 2: Create a recipe for a magical potion with ingredients that have symbolic meanings.

Assignment 3: Debate the pros and cons of an invention like Vita-Wonk in real life.


“The Invention of Vita-Wonk” encourages students to question the societal norms surrounding age and to value the beauty found in the natural process of life. The story inspires young readers to think creatively and to imagine the endless possibilities that lie within the world of invention.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 English: "The Invention of Vita-Wonk"

Q1: Who is Mr. Wonka in “The Invention of Vita-Wonk”?

ANS: Mr. Wonka is a fictional inventor who creates Vita-Wonk, a potion to make people older.

Q2: What is Vita-Wonk, and what does it do?

ANS: Vita-Wonk is a potion designed to accelerate aging, the opposite of a youth potion.

Q3: How does Mr. Wonka come up with the idea for Vita-Wonk?

ANS: He conceives the idea as a new invention after successfully creating a youth potion.

Q4: What are some of the ingredients used in Vita-Wonk?

ANS: The ingredients are fantastical and exotic, drawn from the oldest living things on Earth.

Q5: What message does the story convey about aging?

ANS: It suggests that aging is a natural and perhaps even desirable part of life that should be embraced.

Q6: Why do you think the author chose such unusual ingredients for Vita-Wonk?

ANS: The author likely chose unusual ingredients to add a sense of adventure and magic to the story.

Q7: What genre does “The Invention of Vita-Wonk” belong to?

ANS: The story falls under the genre of science fiction and fantasy.

Q8: What lesson can students learn from Mr. Wonka’s inventive process?

ANS: Students can learn about the importance of imagination, research, and experimentation in the inventive process.

Q9: How does Mr. Wonka’s invention reflect his view of the world?

ANS: His invention reflects a view that values the wisdom and experiences that come with age.

Q10: Can “The Invention of Vita-Wonk” be seen as a commentary on society’s view of aging?

ANS: Yes, it can be seen as a commentary that challenges the societal obsession with youth and the undervaluing of old age.

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