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Geography | Major Domains of the Earth

A chapter about the different layers of the atmosphere and the continents on earth

Introduction to CBSE Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter "Major Domains of the Earth"

In the “Major Domains of the Earth” chapter, CBSE Class 6 students are introduced to the four significant domains that make up our planet: the Lithosphere, the Hydrosphere, the Atmosphere, and the Biosphere. This chapter guides students through the characteristics and compositions of these domains.

The Lithosphere constitutes the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth, where landforms like mountains, plateaus, and plains are found. It includes the continental and oceanic crust and is the domain that supports human habitats and natural life.

The Hydrosphere covers all water bodies – oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and water vapor in the atmosphere. It’s emphasized that the Hydrosphere is crucial for all forms of life and helps regulate the Earth’s climate.

The Atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth, which protects life by providing breathable air and shielding the planet from harmful radiation. Students learn about the composition of the atmosphere and how it plays a vital role in weather and climate patterns.

Lastly, the Biosphere is highlighted as the narrow zone where we find land, water, and air together, which supports life, including human beings, plants, animals, and microorganisms. It’s the intersection where the other three domains coexist, interact, and support life processes.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter “Major Domains of the Earth”

  1. Model Making: Create a physical model or a collage that depicts all four domains of the Earth.
  2. Domain Diary: Keep a ‘Domain Diary’ for a week where you note observations about how you interact with each of the Earth’s domains daily.
  3. Conservation Poster: Design a poster that shows how we can conserve and protect the Earth’s domains.
  4. Debate on Domains: Organize a debate on the most crucial domain of the Earth, with points to support each one.
  5. Research Assignment: Do a research project on one of the Earth’s domains and its importance to the ecosystem.

Conclusion The chapter “Major Domains of the Earth” is vital for students to comprehend how the Earth’s complex and dynamic systems are interwoven and essential for sustaining life. Understanding these domains helps us appreciate the delicate balance of our planet and the need for responsible stewardship to maintain it for future generations.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter "Major Domains of the Earth"

  1. Q1: What is the Lithosphere and why is it important? ANS: The

Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth, which includes the Earth’s landmasses and ocean basins. It is important because it forms the continents and ocean floors and is where the Earth’s terrestrial life exists, where we live, and where plants grow.

  1. Q2: How does the Hydrosphere affect Earth’s climate? ANS: The Hydrosphere, which consists of all water bodies on Earth, plays a critical role in affecting the climate by storing and transferring heat. Oceans and large water bodies moderate the climate by absorbing heat in the summer and releasing it during winter.
  2. Q3: What are the functions of the Atmosphere? ANS: The Atmosphere protects life on Earth by providing breathable air, trapping the Earth’s warmth, and shielding it from harmful solar radiation. It also plays a key role in the water cycle and weather patterns.
  3. Q4: Describe the Biosphere. ANS: The Biosphere is the living layer of the Earth where the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Atmosphere interact and support life. It includes all living organisms and supports the biological cycles and processes.
  4. Q5: Why is the Biosphere considered an intersection of other domains? ANS: The Biosphere is considered an intersection because it encompasses the life forms found in different environments within the other domains – on land, in the water, and in the air.
  5. Q6: Can human activities impact the Earth’s domains? ANS: Yes, human activities can significantly impact the Earth’s domains through urbanization, pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion, affecting the natural balance.
  6. Q7: How are mountains and plains different in the Lithosphere? ANS: Mountains are elevated areas with steep sides and sharp or rounded peaks, while plains are large stretches of flat land. Both are landforms found in the Lithosphere, differing in elevation and formation processes.
  7. Q8: What percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered by the Hydrosphere? ANS: Approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by the Hydrosphere, mostly by oceans.
  8. Q9: What gases are primarily found in the Atmosphere? ANS: The Atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), with traces of other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
  9. Q10: How do plants and animals contribute to the Biosphere? ANS: Plants and animals contribute to the Biosphere by participating in the balance of ecosystems through processes like photosynthesis, respiration, and nutrient recycling. They are integral to the flow of energy and life-supporting nutrients.

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