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This chapter is an exciting diary entry from a mountaineering camp about the challenges that are often faced by mountain climbers

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: Up You Go

The chapter “Up You Go” in the CBSE Class 5 EVS curriculum invites young explorers to embark on a journey to the high and mighty mountains. It starts with an overview of how mountains are formed, including the movements of the earth’s crust that push the land upwards to create these natural elevations over millions of years. The narrative then guides students through the different types of mountains, such as fold mountains, block mountains, and volcanic mountains, explaining their unique features and how they are formed.

Beyond the geological aspects, “Up You Go” delves into the life and culture of people living in mountainous areas. Students learn about the challenges faced by mountain dwellers, such as harsh weather conditions, limited accessibility, and the ways in which these communities adapt to their environment. The chapter highlights the occupation, agriculture practices, and the cultural richness of mountain societies, providing insights into their resilient and sustainable way of life.

Additionally, the chapter touches upon the significance of mountains in biodiversity conservation, water resources, and their role as a haven for a plethora of plant and animal species. Through vivid descriptions and engaging activities, “Up You Go” encourages students to recognize the importance of mountains to the earth’s ecosystem and the need for their conservation.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Up You Go Engage with the majestic world of mountains through these interactive assignments:

  • Mountain Model Making: Create a 3D model of a mountain using recyclable materials. Label the different parts and types of mountains you have learned about.
  • People of the Mountains: Research and prepare a short presentation on the life of people in a specific mountainous region, focusing on their culture, food, and occupation.
  • Mountain Conservation Poster: Design a poster highlighting the importance of mountain conservation and ways to protect these vital ecosystems.
  • Mountain Diary: Keep a diary as if you are on an expedition to a mountain. Write about your imaginary experiences, the challenges you face, and the beauty you witness.


“Up You Go” offers students a panoramic view of the mountains, from their geological formation to the vibrant life they support. This chapter enriches students’ knowledge of natural landscapes and instills an appreciation for the cultural diversity and ecological significance of mountainous regions. By exploring the life of mountain communities and the importance of conservation, students gain a holistic understanding of the interdependence between humans and nature.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Up You Go

  • Q1: What is mountaineering?
    ANS: Mountaineering is the sport, hobby, or profession of walking, hiking, backpacking, and climbing mountains.
  • Q2: Why is teamwork important in mountaineering?
    ANS: Teamwork is crucial in mountaineering because it ensures safety, support, and cooperation among climbers, helping them overcome challenges and reach the summit together.
  • Q3: What are some essential pieces of equipment for mountain climbing?
    ANS: Essential equipment for mountain climbing includes ropes, harnesses, carabiners, helmets, climbing boots, and thermal clothing.
  • Q4: What challenges do climbers face while mountaineering?
    ANS: Climbers face challenges such as harsh weather conditions, altitude sickness, difficult terrain, and the risk of avalanches.
  • Q5: How do climbers prepare for an expedition?
    ANS: Climbers prepare for an expedition by undergoing physical training, learning technical skills, gathering necessary equipment, and planning their route.
  • Q6: What role do mountains play in the water cycle?
    ANS: Mountains play a crucial role in the water cycle by acting as barriers that intercept air masses, leading to precipitation which contributes to rivers and glaciers.
  • Q7: Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest?
    ANS: Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953.
  • Q8: What is altitude sickness, and how can it be prevented?
    ANS: Altitude sickness is a condition that can affect mountain climbers, hikers, skiers, or travelers at high altitudes, caused by the body adjusting to lower levels of oxygen. It can be prevented by acclimatizing slowly to high altitudes, staying hydrated, and avoiding overexertion.
  • Q9: Why is it important to respect the environment while mountaineering?
    ANS: Respecting the environment is important to preserve the natural beauty, protect wildlife habitats, and ensure that future generations can also enjoy and explore mountains.
  • Q10: Describe a famous mountaineering expedition and its significance.
    ANS: The 1953 expedition to Mount Everest, led by Sir John Hunt and resulting in Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reaching the summit, is famous. It was significant as it represented human determination, teamwork, and the spirit of exploration, marking the first successful ascent of the world’s highest peak.

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| Class-5, EVS | No Comments
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