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EVS | From Tasting to Digesting

This chapter once again deals with a sensory organ that is the tongue as we read about the journey of the food.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: From Tasting to Digesting

“From Tasting to Digesting” is a chapter that provides a vivid exploration of the human digestive system, explaining how the food we taste is transformed into energy for our bodies. The journey begins in the mouth, where teeth and saliva start the digestion process by breaking down food into smaller pieces. As children read through the chapter, they learn about the different types of teeth and their functions, the role of the tongue in tasting, and how saliva aids digestion.

The narrative then follows the food as it travels down the esophagus and into the stomach, where acids and enzymes further break it down. The chapter carefully illustrates how nutrients are absorbed as the food moves into the small intestine and how waste products are eventually excreted through the large intestine.

Throughout the chapter, students are introduced to healthy eating habits and the importance of a balanced diet. It’s a comprehensive guide that not only covers the scientific aspects of digestion but also touches on cultural practices around food and the significance of sharing meals with others.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: From Tasting to Digesting

To enrich your knowledge of the digestive process, consider the following assignments:

  1. Food Journey Log: Create a logbook of everything you eat for a day and research how these foods are digested. Which nutrients do they provide?
  2. Digestive System Model: Using clay or play-dough, build a model of the digestive system and label each part. Explain what happens in each section.
  3. Healthy Plate Design: Draw a plate divided into sections for protein, grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Choose foods for a balanced meal and explain why they are important.
  4. Interview with a Nutritionist: If possible, interview a nutritionist and learn about the importance of various nutrients. Share your learnings in a short essay or presentation.

These assignments encourage students to connect their learning with real-life practices and understand the importance of good nutrition for overall health.


The chapter “From Tasting to Digesting” from CBSE Class 5 EVS offers a comprehensive look into the human digestive system, making complex biological processes understandable and fascinating for young students. The focus on healthy eating and the importance of a balanced diet not only educates but also motivates students to adopt healthy lifestyles. Through this chapter, students gain insight into how their body works, the significance of nutrition, and the cultural aspects of food, all of which are crucial for their growth and development.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: From Tasting to Digesting

Q1: What is the role of teeth in digestion? ANS: Teeth play a crucial role in the digestive process by mechanically breaking down food into smaller pieces, making it easier to swallow and increasing the surface area for enzymes to act upon in the stomach and intestines.

Q2: How does the tongue contribute to digestion? ANS: The tongue helps in the digestion process by moving food around in the mouth for thorough chewing and mixing with saliva. It also has taste buds that help us identify and enjoy different flavors.

Q3: Why is saliva important for digestion? ANS: Saliva contains enzymes that begin the process of breaking down starches into sugars. It also moistens food, making it easier to form a bolus (a small rounded mass of chewed food) that can be swallowed.

Q4: What happens to food in the stomach? ANS: In the stomach, food is mixed with gastric juices that contain acid and enzymes, breaking down proteins and turning the food into a semi-liquid substance called chyme.

Q5: How are nutrients absorbed in the body? ANS: Nutrients are mainly absorbed in the small intestine, where the inner walls have tiny finger-like projections called villi that increase the surface area for absorption.

Q6: What is the significance of a balanced diet? ANS: A balanced diet provides the body with all the necessary nutrients, in the right proportions, for growth, energy, and the proper functioning of all bodily systems.

Q7: How is waste material excreted from the body? ANS: Waste material is excreted from the body through the large intestine, which absorbs water and salts from the remaining indigestible food matter and then expels it as feces.

Q8: Can you explain the process of how taste buds work? ANS: Taste buds are sensory organs on the tongue that contain receptor cells to detect tastes. When food molecules stimulate these receptors, signals are sent to the brain, which interprets them as tastes.

Q9: What are the four types of teeth and their functions? ANS: The four types of teeth are incisors (cutting), canines (tearing), premolars (crushing), and molars (grinding). Each type has a specific function in the process of chewing food.

Q10: Describe why fiber is important in our diet. ANS: Fiber is important because it helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, keeping hunger and blood sugar in check. It also aids in digestion by helping to keep the digestive system healthy and promoting regular bowel movements.

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