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Mathematics | Halves and Quarters

This chapter gives a basic understanding of the preliminary concepts of fractions

Introduction to CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Chapter "Halves and Quarters"

The “Halves and Quarters” chapter is a fundamental part of the CBSE Class 4 Mathematics curriculum designed to familiarize students with the fraction basics. It opens with the concept of a whole and progresses to the division of a whole into two equal parts, termed ‘halves.’ The chapter further explores the division of a whole into four equal parts, known as ‘quarters.’ Through illustrative examples, such as cutting a pizza or sharing an apple, students visualize and understand how a whole can be equally divided and represented in fraction form. This chapter lays down the groundwork for understanding fractions, enabling students to comprehend how everyday items and quantities can be split into parts and also combined to make a whole again.

Assignments for CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Chapter “Halves and Quarters”

  1. Finding Fractions: Identify objects around your home that can be easily divided into halves and quarters, like a piece of fruit or a sandwich, and explain how you would do it.
  2. Creative Coloring: Draw a shape and creatively color half and then a quarter of it to visually demonstrate the concept of fractions.
  3. Fraction Hunt: Go on a scavenger hunt in your kitchen to find items that are packaged in halves or quarters, like slices of bread or a pack of biscuits.
  4. Fractional Story Problems: Create and solve your own story problems involving the distribution of items into halves and quarters among friends or family members.
  5. Fraction Art: Make a collage using cut-out pictures from magazines, dividing some pictures into halves and others into quarters.

Conclusion Understanding fractions is crucial in mathematics and daily life. “Halves and Quarters” not only builds the mathematical foundation needed for more complex operations but also enhances problem-solving and critical thinking skills. By recognizing and working with fractions in various forms, students gain a practical and valuable toolset for their future education.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Chapter "Halves and Quarters"

  1. Q1: What does it mean to divide something into halves? ANS: Dividing something into halves means splitting it into two equal parts.
  2. Q2: How do you write one half as a fraction? ANS: One half is written as 1/2.
  3. Q3: What is a quarter in terms of fractions? ANS: A quarter means one of four equal parts and is written as 1/4.
  4. Q4: If you cut a sandwich into four equal pieces, how many quarters are there? ANS: There are four quarters in a sandwich cut into four equal pieces.
  5. Q5: How many halves are there in one whole? ANS: There are two halves in one whole.
  6. Q6: Can you have more than one half in a whole? ANS: No, a whole is made up of exactly two halves; you can’t have more than two halves in a single whole.
  7. Q7: If a pizza is cut into quarters and you eat two, how many quarters have you eaten? ANS: If you eat two out of four quarters of a pizza, you have eaten half of the pizza.
  8. Q8: How can knowing halves and quarters be useful in real life? ANS: Knowing halves and quarters can be useful in cooking, dividing things evenly among people, and understanding sales and discounts.
  9. Q9: Is one half bigger, smaller, or the same size as one quarter? ANS: One half is bigger than one quarter.
  10. Q10: If a rope is 4 meters long and you cut it into halves, how long is each half? ANS: Each half of the rope would be 2 meters long.

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