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EVS | The Story of Amrita

In this interesting chapter we come across a brave woman Amrita and how she became an important part of history

Introduction to CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter "The Story of Amrita"

CBSE Class 4 EVS’s chapter “The Story of Amrita” carries an important environmental message. Set in a village, the story revolves around Amrita, who loves the trees surrounding her village and considers them her friends. The trees are not only a part of her daily play but are also crucial to the village’s ecosystem, providing fruits, shade, and air to breathe.

Trouble arises when the village elders decide to cut down the trees for wood and to clear land. Amrita is devastated by the thought of losing her leafy friends and the many benefits they offer. She bravely stands up to the elders, explaining the importance of trees and how deforestation would harm their village. Her conviction and wisdom lead to a change of heart among the villagers, and together they find alternative solutions.

This chapter imparts lessons on deforestation, its impact on the environment, and the importance of trees. It encourages young learners to respect and protect nature, promoting environmental stewardship from an early age.

Assignments for CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter “The Story of Amrita”

  1. Draw and Describe: Sketch a scene from the chapter where Amrita is interacting with the trees and write a paragraph about why trees are important to her.
  2. Role Play: Act out the scene where Amrita stands up to the elders with your family or friends.
  3. Tree Diary: Keep a week-long diary of the trees you see and the different ways they help us and the environment.
  4. Interview a Tree: Write an imaginative interview with a tree, asking questions about its life and experiences.
  5. Conservation Poster: Create a poster encouraging tree conservation and explain your poster’s message in a few sentences.

“The Story of Amrita” in the CBSE Class 4 EVS curriculum is a heartfelt narrative that teaches children the importance of every tree. Through Amrita’s eyes, students learn to observe the vital role that trees play in our lives and the powerful impact of standing up for the environment. The chapter inspires students to be mindful of nature’s gifts and to become advocates for preserving our planet’s green treasures.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter "The Story of Amrita"

  1. Q1: What does Amrita teach us about the importance of trees?
    ANS: Amrita teaches us that trees are vital to our ecosystem, providing oxygen, fruits, shade, and more, and should be protected.
  2. Q2: Why does Amrita object to cutting down the trees?
    ANS: Amrita objects because she understands that the trees are crucial for the environment and the wellbeing of her village.
  3. Q3: What are the consequences of deforestation as explained in the chapter?
    ANS: Deforestation can lead to the loss of habitat for animals, decrease in air quality, and the disruption of the community that relies on the trees.
  4. Q4: How do the villagers respond to Amrita’s plea?
    ANS: Moved by Amrita’s plea, the villagers understand the importance of trees and look for alternative solutions to their problem.
  5. Q5: What alternative solutions could be considered instead of cutting trees?
    ANS: Alternative solutions could include planting new trees, using less wood, and finding different materials for building and fuel.
  6. Q6: How does the story encourage children to care for the environment?
    ANS: The story illustrates the importance of trees through Amrita’s actions, encouraging children to take a stand for environmental protection.
  7. Q7: What is the main environmental message in “The Story of Amrita”?
    ANS: The main message is to understand the critical role of trees in the ecosystem and to take active steps in conserving them.
  8. Q8: How can we apply Amrita’s lessons to our own lives?
    ANS: We can apply Amrita’s lessons by being environmentally conscious, respecting nature, and looking for sustainable practices in our daily lives.
  9. Q9: Why are trees described as Amrita’s friends?
    ANS: Trees are described as Amrita’s friends to emphasize the close connection and the many benefits they provide, similar to what friends offer.
  10. Q10: What can students do to protect trees in their own neighborhoods?
    ANS: Students can protect trees by participating in tree-planting drives, recycling, and educating others about the importance of trees.

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