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EVS | Abdul in the Garden

This story is about Abdul and his day at the garden with his father who is a gardener

Introduction to CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter "Abdul in the Garden"

In the “Abdul in the Garden” chapter, students are introduced to Abdul, a young, inquisitive boy who takes immense pleasure in spending time in his garden. The garden is a place of learning and wonder for Abdul, filled with plants, insects, and the magic of nature’s processes. Through Abdul’s eyes, students explore the different parts of plants, understand the role of flowers and insects in pollination, and discover how seeds grow into new plants.

The chapter emphasizes the importance of observation and hands-on experience in learning about the environment. It encourages students to be attentive to the diversity of plant life and the ecosystem within their surroundings. Abdul’s daily observations and gentle interactions with his garden exemplify how children can be stewards of the environment. The narrative takes the students through a series of activities and experiments that Abdul conducts, which provide practical knowledge about plant life cycles, composting, and the significance of gardens as habitats for various forms of life.

Assignments for CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter “Abdul in the Garden”

  1. Plant Observation Journal: Keep a daily log for a week of a plant in your home or school garden, noting changes and growth.
  2. Garden Safari: Go on a ‘safari’ in your garden or a park and make a list of the different insects and birds you see.
  3. Seed Germination Experiment: Plant a seed in a cup and record its growth over time with measurements and sketches.
  4. Composting at Home: Start a small compost bin and learn what types of waste can be composted.
  5. Flower Dissection: Carefully dissect a flower to identify its parts and understand how pollination works.

“Abdul in the Garden” is a chapter that teaches children not just about plants and insects but also about the importance of being in tune with nature. It promotes environmental awareness and responsibility, inspiring students to explore, appreciate, and care for the world around them.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter "Abdul in the Garden"

  1. Q1: What does Abdul learn by spending time in the garden?
    ANS: Abdul learns about plant growth, the parts of plants, and the importance of insects in the ecosystem.
  2. Q2: How does a garden serve as a learning environment for children?
    ANS: A garden serves as a natural laboratory where children can observe life cycles, ecological interactions, and learn about biodiversity firsthand.
  3. Q3: What is the role of flowers and insects in a garden?
    ANS: Flowers attract insects for pollination, which is essential for the production of seeds and the continuation of plant species.
  4. Q4: Why is it important for children to learn about composting?
    ANS: Composting teaches children about recycling organic waste, soil health, and the role of decomposition in the nutrient cycle.
  5. Q5: How can students start a simple garden project at home or school?
    ANS: Students can start with a small container garden, planting seeds or small plants, and learn to care for them by watering and monitoring their growth.
  6. Q6: What can be learned from observing the growth of a seed?
    ANS: Observing a seed grow helps students understand the stages of plant development and the conditions necessary for growth.
  7. Q7: What is the importance of different parts of plants?
    ANS: Each part of a plant has a specific function, such as roots for absorbing water and nutrients, leaves for photosynthesis, and flowers for reproduction.
  8. Q8: How do gardens help in maintaining the ecosystem?
    ANS: Gardens support biodiversity by providing habitats for various species and contribute to ecological balance.
  9. Q9: Why is pollination crucial for a garden?
    ANS: Pollination is vital for the production of fruits and seeds, ensuring the garden’s diversity and the reproduction of plants.
  10. Q10: What message does the chapter “Abdul in the Garden” convey to students about the environment?
    ANS: The chapter conveys the message that gardens are vital ecosystems and that taking care of them can help students learn about and protect the environment.

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