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Prose | The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

This story is about a Birbal and a learned pundit.

Introduction to CBSE Class 4 English Chapter "The Scholar's Mother Tongue"

This chapter tells the story of a great scholar who was visiting a king’s court. Despite the scholar’s vast knowledge in various languages, the king and his courtiers were skeptical about his expertise. They decided to test him by asking questions in different languages, which the scholar answered fluently, impressing everyone. However, the real test came when a wise man asked the scholar a simple question in his mother tongue. The scholar’s emotional response to hearing his mother tongue in a foreign land highlighted the deep connection and affection one holds for their native language.

“The Scholar’s Mother Tongue” teaches a valuable lesson about cultural identity and the intrinsic bond we share with our mother tongue. It emphasizes that while knowing multiple languages is an asset, the emotional resonance and comfort found in one’s native language are unparalleled. This story encourages students to take pride in their linguistic heritage and appreciate the diversity of languages around them.

Assignments for CBSE Class 4 English Chapter “The Scholar’s Mother Tongue”

  1. Language Collage: Create a collage of words and phrases from your mother tongue and explain their meanings and significance.
  2. Personal Essay: Write about a time you felt a deep connection to your mother tongue. Describe the situation and your feelings.
  3. Interview Your Elders: Interview family members about the importance of your mother tongue in your culture and heritage. Share your findings in a brief report.
  4. Language Diary: Keep a diary for a week where you note down when and how you use your mother tongue daily.
  5. Storytelling in Mother Tongue: Narrate a short story or a folk tale in your mother tongue to your classmates or family members.

“The Scholar’s Mother Tongue” in CBSE Class 4 English beautifully illustrates the emotional and cultural significance of one’s native language. The chapter serves as a reminder of the unique connection and identity our mother tongue provides us. It celebrates linguistic diversity and encourages students to honor and cherish their linguistic roots. Understanding and valuing one’s mother tongue is a step toward embracing multiculturalism and respecting others’ languages and cultures.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 4 English Chapter "The Scholar's Mother Tongue"

  1. Q1: Who was the main character in “The Scholar’s Mother Tongue”?
    ANS: The main character was a great scholar visiting a king’s court.
  2. Q2: What challenge did the scholar face at the king’s court?
    ANS: The scholar was tested on his knowledge of various languages by the king and his courtiers.
  3. Q3: How did the scholar react to a question asked in his mother tongue?
    ANS: The scholar was emotionally moved and responded with great affection upon hearing his mother tongue.
  4. Q4: What lesson does the story teach about one’s mother tongue?
    ANS: The story teaches that one’s mother tongue holds a special emotional significance and is a vital part of one’s cultural identity.
  5. Q5: Why is knowing multiple languages considered an asset?
    ANS: Knowing multiple languages is an asset because it enables communication with diverse people, enriches the mind, and opens up educational and professional opportunities.
  6. Q6: Can the emotional resonance of the mother tongue be found in a second language?
    ANS: While a second language can become very familiar, the unique emotional resonance of one’s mother tongue is unparalleled due to its deep-rooted connection with one’s heritage and childhood memories.
  7. Q7: Why is it important to preserve and pass down one’s mother tongue?
    ANS: Preserving and passing down one’s mother tongue is important for maintaining cultural heritage, family ties, and personal identity.
  8. Q8: How does the story emphasize the importance of cultural identity?
    ANS: The story emphasizes cultural identity by showing how the scholar’s emotional attachment to his mother tongue reflects his connection to his roots and culture.
  9. Q9: What can students do to celebrate linguistic diversity?
    ANS: Students can learn about and respect other languages, share their own linguistic heritage, and participate in multicultural events to celebrate linguistic diversity.
  10. Q10: How does the story “The Scholar’s Mother Tongue” encourage respect for all languages?
    ANS: The story encourages respect for all languages by showcasing the beauty and emotional depth of the scholar’s mother tongue, highlighting the value and richness of every language.

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