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EVS | Here comes a Letter

"Here Comes a Letter" is a fascinating chapter in the Class 3 Environmental Studies curriculum that dives into the traditional means of communication - letters. This chapter educates young learners about the process of sending and receiving letters, the significance of postal stamps, and the role of the post office in our communities.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter: Here Comes a Letter

In an age dominated by digital communication, “Here Comes a Letter” brings students closer to the charm of handwritten letters. The chapter outlines the journey of a letter from the sender to the receiver, highlighting the various steps involved, such as writing, stamping, and mailing the letter. Through illustrations and activities, students learn about different types of letters, the importance of stamps, and how letters have connected people across distances long before the advent of modern technology. The chapter also encourages students to understand and appreciate the value of personal communication through letters.

Assignments on CBSE Class 3 EVS: Here Comes a Letter

  1. Letter Writing Exercise: Students practice writing a letter to a friend or family member, focusing on the format and content.
  2. Post Office Visit: If possible, organize a visit to a local post office to show students how letters are sorted and mailed.
  3. Stamp Collection: Encourage students to start a stamp collection, emphasizing the cultural and historical significance of stamps from different countries.
  4. Comparative Discussion: Facilitate a discussion comparing letters to modern forms of communication, such as emails and text messages.

“Here Comes a Letter” revives the lost art of letter writing, teaching students the value of personal communication through letters. By exploring how letters are sent and received, the significance of stamps, and the functioning of the post office, students gain a comprehensive understanding of this traditional form of communication. This chapter not only enhances their knowledge but also encourages them to experience the joy of sending and receiving handwritten letters.

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Textbook Questions Solved for CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter " Here Comes A letter"

Q1: Arrange the journey of a letter through pictures in the correct sequence.
A1: Students are expected to arrange the given images in the sequence that represents the journey of a letter from being written to being received.

Q2: What difference do you see in these letters?
A2: Some letters are postcards, and some are in envelopes. The main differences lie in their format and purpose.

Q3: Which letters have stamps on them?
A3: All the letters have stamps on them, which is essential for the letter to be mailed.

Q4: Are all the stamps similar? What are the differences?
A4: No, all the stamps are not similar. They differ in pictures and denominations.

Q5: Have you seen the stamp of the post office on these letters?
A5: Yes, the post office stamp, also known as the postmark, is visible on the letters, indicating the date and place of mailing.

Q6: Write your full address on the postcard.
A6: This activity helps students understand how to correctly address a postcard.

Q7: How do you think letters reached distant places when there were no trains?
A7: Before trains, letters were carried to distant places by bicycles, bullock carts, boats, and even pigeons.

Visit to a Post Office
Q1: Where all have you seen telephones?
A1: Telephones are commonly seen in offices, houses, schools, and telephone booths.

Q2: With whom do you talk on the telephone?
A2: I talk to my friends and family on the telephone.

Q3: Which do you prefer more – writing a letter or making a phone call? Why?
A3: I prefer making a phone call because it allows for instant communication and response.

Q4: Compare a letter and a phone call.
A4: Both are means of communication. Letters provide a tangible record and are cost-effective, whereas phone calls offer immediate interaction but can be more expensive.

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