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Writing Section | Letter – Writing

Letter writing is an essential skill that allows individuals to communicate effectively in various personal, professional, and academic settings. In CBSE Class 12 English, students learn the format, tone, and style of different types of letters, including formal letters, informal letters, and letters to the editor.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter: Letter Writing

The chapter on letter writing in CBSE Class 12 English covers the format and content of different types of letters. Students learn the importance of clarity, coherence, and correctness in letter writing. They also learn about the different components of a letter, such as the heading, salutation, body, and closing. The chapter provides examples and guidelines for writing formal letters, informal letters, and letters to the editor, helping students develop their letter writing skills.

Assignments and Activities for CBSE Class 12 English Chapter: Letter Writing

  • Format Practice: Practice writing letters in different formats, including formal and informal letters.
  • Letter Writing Exercise: Write a formal letter to the editor on a current social issue.
  • Peer Review: Exchange letters with a classmate and provide feedback on each other’s writing.
  • Role Play: Role-play a scenario where you need to write a letter to a government official or a company.
  • Letter of Complaint: Write a letter of complaint to a company about a product or service.
  • Letter to a Friend: Write an informal letter to a friend, sharing news and updates.
  • Letter to a Relative: Write a letter to a relative, expressing your thoughts and feelings.
  • Business Letter: Write a business letter to a client or colleague regarding a professional matter.
  • Thank-You Letter: Write a thank-you letter to someone who has helped you or done something nice for you.
  • Letter to the Principal: Write a letter to the principal of your school, suggesting improvements or expressing concerns.

Conclusion : letter writing

The chapter on letter writing in CBSE Class 12 English provides students with essential skills for effective communication. By learning the format and style of different types of letters, students can enhance their written communication skills and express themselves more clearly and persuasively in various personal, professional, and academic situations.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 12 English Chapter: Letter Writing

Q1. What is the purpose of letter writing?

ANS: The purpose of letter writing is to communicate thoughts, ideas, and information in a formal or informal manner.

Q2. What are the different types of letters covered in the chapter?

ANS: The chapter covers formal letters, informal letters, and letters to the editor.

Q3. What is the format of a formal letter?

ANS: A formal letter includes the sender’s address, date, recipient’s address, salutation, body, closing, and signature.

Q4. How does the format of an informal letter differ from a formal letter?

ANS: An informal letter is more casual and personal, with a less rigid format than a formal letter.

Q5. What is the purpose of a letter to the editor?

ANS: A letter to the editor is written to express opinions or concerns on a public issue and is published in a newspaper or magazine.

Q6. How can one improve their letter writing skills?

ANS: One can improve their letter writing skills by practicing different types of letters, paying attention to format and tone, and seeking feedback from others.

Q7. Why is it important to use correct grammar and punctuation in letter writing?

ANS: Correct grammar and punctuation enhance the clarity and readability of a letter, making it more effective in conveying the intended message.

Q8. How can one make their letter more persuasive?

ANS: One can make their letter more persuasive by using persuasive language, providing relevant evidence or examples, and addressing counterarguments.

Q9. What are some common mistakes to avoid in letter writing?

ANS: Some common mistakes to avoid in letter writing include spelling and grammatical errors, using inappropriate language or tone, and not following the correct format.

Q10. How can letter writing skills be useful in everyday life?

ANS: Letter writing skills can be useful in everyday life for communicating with friends and family, applying for jobs, and addressing formal or professional matters.

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