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Economics | Market Equillibrium (Introductory Microeconomics)

The chapter "Market Equilibrium" in CBSE Class 12 Business Studies focuses on understanding the concepts of demand, supply, and how they interact to determine the equilibrium price and quantity in a market. It explores various factors affecting market equilibrium and the implications of shifts in demand and supply curves.

Introduction to CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter "Market Equilibrium - Introductory Microeconomics"

This chapter explains the meaning of market equilibrium, which occurs when the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied at a particular price. Key topics covered in the chapter include:

  1. Market Equilibrium: Understanding the concept of equilibrium in the market where supply equals demand.
  2. Equilibrium Price and Quantity: Determining the price and quantity where the market is at equilibrium.
  3. Shifts in Demand and Supply: Exploring how changes in demand and supply affect the equilibrium price and quantity.
  4. Excess Demand and Excess Supply: Identifying situations where there is either excess demand or excess supply and the resulting effects on the market.
  5. Impact of Government Policies: Examining how government interventions like price ceilings and price floors impact market equilibrium.

Assignments for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter “Market Equilibrium – Introductory Microeconomics”

  1. Short Questions:
    • Define market equilibrium.
    • What happens when there is excess demand in the market?
    • Explain the impact of a price ceiling on market equilibrium.
  2. Long Questions:
    • Illustrate how an increase in consumer income affects the market equilibrium for a normal good.
    • Discuss the effects of a subsidy given to producers on market equilibrium.
    • Explain the concept of equilibrium price with the help of a diagram.
  3. Case Study Analysis:
    • Analyze a real-world scenario where a government-imposed price floor has impacted the market equilibrium. Discuss the outcomes for consumers and producers.
  4. Research Project:
    • Investigate the impact of price ceilings on the housing market in a specific city. Present findings on how it affects both landlords and tenants.
  5. Debate Preparation:
    • Prepare for a debate on the merits and demerits of government intervention in markets. Focus on how such policies can both help and hinder market efficiency.


The chapter “Market Equilibrium – Introductory Microeconomics” equips students with the knowledge of how markets function and how equilibrium is achieved. Understanding these concepts is crucial for analyzing real-world economic scenarios and making informed business decisions.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter "Market Equilibrium - Introductory Microeconomics"

Q1: What is market equilibrium?

  • ANS: Market equilibrium is the state in the market where the quantity demanded by consumers equals the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in no excess demand or supply.

Q2: When do we say there is excess demand for a commodity in the market?

  • ANS: Excess demand occurs when the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at the current price, leading to upward pressure on prices.

Q3: When do we say there is excess supply for a commodity in the market?

  • ANS: Excess supply occurs when the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at the current price, leading to downward pressure on prices.

Q4: What will happen if the price prevailing in the market is (i) above the equilibrium price? (ii) below the equilibrium price?

  • ANS:
    • (i) Above the equilibrium price, there will be excess supply, leading to a decrease in price as suppliers try to sell off their surplus.
    • (ii) Below the equilibrium price, there will be excess demand, leading to an increase in price as consumers compete for the limited supply.

Q5: Explain how price is determined in a perfectly competitive market with a fixed number of firms.

  • ANS: In a perfectly competitive market with a fixed number of firms, the price is determined by the intersection of the market demand and supply curves, resulting in an equilibrium price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.

Q6: What impact does an increase in consumer income have on the equilibrium price and quantity of a normal good?

  • ANS: An increase in consumer income typically leads to higher demand for a normal good, shifting the demand curve to the right. This results in a higher equilibrium price and quantity.

Q7: Discuss the effects of a subsidy given to producers on market equilibrium.

  • ANS: A subsidy to producers lowers their production costs, shifting the supply curve to the right. This results in a lower equilibrium price and higher equilibrium quantity.

Q8: How do price ceilings impact market equilibrium?

  • ANS: Price ceilings set a maximum price below the equilibrium price, leading to excess demand (shortages) as the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at the ceiling price.

Q9: Explain the concept of equilibrium price with the help of a diagram.

  • ANS: The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied. It can be illustrated with a diagram where the demand and supply curves intersect, indicating the equilibrium price and quantity.

Q10: Analyze a real-world scenario where a government-imposed price floor has impacted the market equilibrium.

  • ANS: A government-imposed price floor sets a minimum price above the equilibrium price, leading to excess supply (surpluses) as the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at the floor price. For example, minimum wage laws can create surpluses in the labor market.

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