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In the chapter "Reported Speech," students learn how to report what someone else has said. This involves changing the tense of the original sentence, as well as making changes to pronouns, time expressions, and other words.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter: Reported Speech

The chapter “Reported Speech” teaches students how to report statements, questions, and requests made by others. It explains the changes that occur when reporting speech, such as changes in verb tense, pronouns, and time expressions. The chapter also covers the use of reporting verbs and the rules for reporting different types of sentences. By the end of the chapter, students should be able to accurately report what someone else has said in both written and spoken English.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 10 English Chapter: Reported Speech

  • Reporting Speech: Listen to a conversation or a speech and write a report summarizing what was said.
  • Dialogue Rewrite: Rewrite a dialogue in reported speech, making the necessary changes in verb tense, pronouns, and time expressions.
  • Reporting Questions: Practice reporting questions by changing direct questions into reported questions.
  • Reporting Requests: Report requests made by others, ensuring the correct use of reporting verbs and changes in verb form.
  • Mixed Sentences: Create a set of sentences that includes statements, questions, and requests, and then report them using reported speech.
  • Reported Speech Game: Play a game where one student reports a statement to another student, who then has to report it to a third student, and so on.
  • Interview Reporting: Conduct a mock interview and then report the questions and answers using reported speech.
  • Reported Speech Quiz: Prepare a quiz for your classmates to test their understanding of reported speech.
  • Storytelling: Tell a short story using reported speech to report what the characters say.
  • Reported Speech in Literature: Find examples of reported speech in a piece of literature and analyze how the author uses it to convey information.

Conclusion : Reported Speech

The chapter “Reported Speech” is an essential part of learning English grammar. By understanding how to report what others have said, students can communicate more effectively and accurately in both written and spoken English. Through practice and application, students can master the rules of reported speech and use them confidently in their communication.


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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 10 English Chapter: Reported Speech

Q1. What is reported speech?

ANS: Reported speech is when we report what someone else has said without quoting their exact words.

Q2. What are the changes that occur in reported speech?

ANS: Changes in verb tense, pronouns, time expressions, and other words occur in reported speech.

Q3. How do you report statements in reported speech?

ANS: Statements are reported by changing the verb tense, pronouns, and other words as necessary.

Q4. Can you report questions in reported speech?

ANS: Yes, questions can be reported by changing them into reported questions.

Q5. What are reporting verbs?

ANS: Reporting verbs are verbs used to report what someone else has said, such as “say,” “tell,” “ask,” etc.

Q6. How do you report requests in reported speech?

ANS: Requests are reported by using reporting verbs such as “ask,” “request,” or “beg,” and changing the verb form as necessary.

Q7. What is the importance of reported speech in English?

ANS: Reported speech is important because it allows us to report what others have said accurately and effectively.

Q8. How do you report commands in reported speech?

ANS: Commands are reported by using reporting verbs such as “tell” or “order,” and changing the verb form as necessary.

Q9. What are the common mistakes to avoid in reported speech?

ANS: Common mistakes include incorrect changes in verb tense, pronouns, and word order.

Q10. How can you improve your reported speech skills?

ANS: You can improve your reported speech skills by practicing reporting different types of sentences and paying attention to the changes that occur.

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