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Prose | The Snake and The Mirror

A narrative within a narrative of a snake distracted by seeing his own reflection in a mirror

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter "The Snake and The Mirror”

The story begins with the protagonist, a young man, returning home late at night. He is startled to find a snake in his room and tries to escape. However, he calms down when he sees his reflection in the mirror and realizes that he is overreacting. He tries various methods to get rid of the snake but fails. Finally, he decides to face the snake and manages to get it out of the room safely. The story highlights the theme of fear and how one can overcome it with courage and presence of mind.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 9 English: “The Snake and The Mirror”

  • Character Analysis: Ask students to analyze the character of the protagonist. What traits does he display in the story? How does he change from the beginning to the end?
  • Creative Writing: Have students write a continuation of the story. What happens next after the protagonist manages to get the snake out of the room? How does he feel?
  • Moral Dilemma: Pose a moral dilemma to students related to the story. For example, what would they do if they found a snake in their room? How would they react?

Conclusion : “The Snake and The Mirror”

“The Snake and The Mirror” is a humorous and insightful story that teaches us about overcoming fear and facing challenges with courage. Through the protagonist’s experiences, readers learn the importance of staying calm and thinking rationally in difficult situations.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 9 English: “The Snake and The Mirror"

Q1: Who is the author of “The Snake and The Mirror”?

ANS: The author of “The Snake and The Mirror” is Vaikom Muhammad Basheer.

Q2: What is the story “The Snake and The Mirror” about?

ANS: The story revolves around a young man who encounters a snake in his room and his attempts to get rid of it.

Q3: How does the protagonist react when he first sees the snake?

ANS: The protagonist is startled and tries to escape but then calms down when he sees his reflection in the mirror.

Q4: What methods does the protagonist try to get rid of the snake?

ANS: The protagonist tries to use a stick, a chair, and even a blanket to get rid of the snake but fails.

Q5: How does the story end?

ANS: The story ends with the protagonist successfully getting the snake out of the room and reflecting on his fear.

Q6: What is the theme of “The Snake and The Mirror”?

ANS: The theme of the story is fear and how it can be overcome with courage and presence of mind.

Q7: Why does the protagonist feel ashamed at the end of the story?

ANS: The protagonist feels ashamed because he realizes that he overreacted to the presence of the snake and that it was harmless.

Q8: What does the mirror symbolize in the story?

ANS: The mirror symbolizes self-reflection and the ability to see things clearly, both literally and metaphorically.

Q9: How does the story explore the theme of fear?

ANS: The story explores the theme of fear by showing how the protagonist initially reacts with panic but then learns to control his fear and face the snake bravely.

Q10: What lesson can be learned from “The Snake and The Mirror”?

ANS: One lesson that can be learned from the story is to not let fear control you and to face your fears with courage and determination.

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