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Subramania Bharati's poem 'Wind' from Beehive

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter "Wind”

The poem describes the impact of the wind on various aspects of nature and human life. It portrays the wind as a force of change, constantly shifting and transforming the landscape. The poet uses vivid imagery to convey the sound and movement of the wind, creating a sense of its power and unpredictability. Through the poem, the poet reminds us of the impermanence of life and the need to embrace change.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 9 English: “Wind

  • Poetic Imagery: Ask students to write a poem inspired by the theme of the wind. They can use vivid imagery and descriptive language to capture the essence of the wind.
  • Wind in Art: Have students create an artwork that represents the wind. They can use different mediums such as painting, drawing, or sculpture to depict the movement and impact of the wind.
  • Wind and Emotions: Discuss with students how the wind is often used as a metaphor for emotions. Ask them to write a short story or essay exploring this idea, using examples from literature or their own experiences.

Conclusion : “Wind

The poem “Wind” serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing change. Through its vivid imagery and powerful symbolism, the poem invites readers to contemplate the fleeting beauty of the world around us and the need to live in harmony with the forces of nature.


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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 9 English: “Wind"

Q1: What is the central theme of the poem “Wind”?

ANS: The central theme of the poem is the transient nature of life and the inevitability of change.

Q2: How does the poet describe the sound of the wind?

ANS: The poet describes the sound of the wind as “unseen tug” and “long sobs.”

Q3: What impact does the wind have on nature in the poem?

ANS: The wind is portrayed as a powerful force that transforms the landscape, bending trees and scattering leaves.

Q4: How does the poet convey the idea of change in the poem?

ANS: The poet uses imagery of movement and transformation to convey the idea of change, such as “black waves” and “white waves.”

Q5: What is the significance of the wind in the poem?

ANS: The wind symbolizes the passage of time and the impermanence of life.

Q6: How does the poet use personification in the poem?

ANS: The poet personifies the wind, describing it as a living, breathing entity with the power to shape the world.

Q7: What is the tone of the poem?

ANS: The tone of the poem is contemplative and reflective, inviting readers to ponder the deeper meaning of the wind’s presence.

Q8: How does the poet use imagery to create a sense of movement?

ANS: The poet uses imagery of swirling leaves and bending trees to create a sense of the wind’s movement.

Q9: What message does the poet convey through the poem?

ANS: The poet conveys the message that change is inevitable and that we must learn to embrace it.

Q10: How does the poem “Wind” relate to the human experience?

ANS: The poem reflects the human experience of facing change and uncertainty, reminding us to adapt and flow with the winds of life.

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