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A short story about the values of kindness and sharing

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter "The Selfish Giant”

“The Selfish Giant” is a story about a giant who owns a beautiful garden. He selfishly keeps it to himself, refusing to share it with the children who want to play there. As a result, the garden remains in perpetual winter. However, when the giant has a change of heart and allows the children to play in the garden again, it blooms into spring. The giant learns the importance of kindness and generosity, and the garden becomes a place of joy for all.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 8 English: “The Selfish Giant

  • Garden Design: Imagine you are the giant and redesign the garden to make it more welcoming for the children. Draw a picture or create a model of your redesigned garden.
  • Character Analysis: Choose a character from the story and write a diary entry from their perspective, reflecting on the events of the story and their feelings towards the giant and the children.
  • Creative Writing: Write a short story or poem inspired by the themes of “The Selfish Giant,” focusing on the importance of kindness and sharing.


“The Selfish Giant” is a heartwarming story that teaches us the importance of kindness, compassion, and the joy of giving. Through the giant’s journey from selfishness to selflessness, readers learn that true happiness comes from sharing and caring for others. This timeless tale reminds us of the transformative power of love and kindness, making it a valuable lesson for readers of all ages.


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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 8 English: “The Selfish Giant "

Q1: Who is the protagonist of “The Selfish Giant”?

ANS: The giant is the protagonist of the story.

Q2: Why does the giant initially refuse to let the children play in his garden?

ANS: The giant is selfish and wants to keep the garden all to himself.

Q3: What happens to the garden when the giant banishes the children?

ANS: The garden falls into perpetual winter, never experiencing spring or summer.

Q4: How does the giant’s attitude towards the children change throughout the story?

ANS: The giant’s heart softens, and he learns the value of kindness and sharing.

Q5: What role do the children play in the giant’s transformation?

ANS: The children bring warmth and joy back to the garden, symbolizing the giant’s change of heart.

Q6: What is the significance of the garden blooming again?

ANS: The blooming garden represents the giant’s newfound kindness and generosity.

Q7: How does the story end?

ANS: The giant is welcomed into paradise by a small child, symbolizing his redemption.

Q8: What lesson does the giant learn by the end of the story?

ANS: The giant learns that kindness and generosity bring joy and happiness.

Q9: How does “The Selfish Giant” teach the importance of empathy and compassion?

ANS: The story shows that by caring for others, we can find true happiness and fulfillment.

Q10: How can we apply the lessons of “The Selfish Giant” in our own lives?

ANS: We can learn to be more compassionate and generous towards others, leading to a more fulfilling life.

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