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A chapter on the waterbodies on earth and the workings of these waterbodies.

Introduction to CBSE Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter "Water"

The chapter “Water” in CBSE Class 7 Social Science Geography opens a window to understanding the critical role water plays in the sustenance of life on Earth. It elaborates on the distribution of water across the globe and explains why, despite being a ‘blue planet,’ only a small percentage of water is available for human use. Students explore the water cycle and its processes like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation that maintain the water balance on Earth.

The chapter discusses different water bodies, such as oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes, and their importance to ecosystems and human civilizations. It also sheds light on the concepts of ocean currents, tides, and their effects on climate and human activities. Moreover, students are acquainted with the looming crisis of water scarcity, the reasons behind it, and the urgent need for water conservation practices.

Assignments for CBSE Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter “Water”

  1. Water Usage Diary: Maintain a diary for a week to record the daily water usage in your household.
  2. Local Water Body Report: Write a report on a nearby river, lake, or pond, detailing its condition, usage, and any issues it faces.
  3. Debate on Water Conservation: Participate in a debate on the importance of conserving water and the best practices to do so.
  4. Experiment with the Water Cycle: Create a simple experiment to demonstrate the water cycle using household materials.
  5. Poster on Water Scarcity: Design a poster that highlights the causes of water scarcity and suggests ways to combat it.

The chapter “Water” imparts crucial knowledge about our most valuable natural resource and its pivotal role in our world. It helps students understand the delicate balance of the water cycle and encourages them to be proactive in the conservation of this vital element, recognizing the importance of sustainable usage for the continuation of life on Earth.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter "Water"

  1. Q1: Why is water essential for life on Earth?
    ANS: Water is essential for life because it is necessary for all biological processes. It regulates temperature, transports nutrients and waste, and is a habitat for many organisms.
  2. Q2: What percentage of Earth’s water is suitable for drinking?
    ANS: Only about 2.5% of Earth’s water is freshwater, and only a fraction of that (about 1%) is easily accessible for drinking and other uses.
  3. Q3: Describe the water cycle and its significance.
    ANS: The water cycle is a continuous process where water evaporates into the atmosphere, condenses to form clouds, and precipitates back to Earth. It’s significant because it distributes water across the planet and supports life.
  4. Q4: How do human activities impact water bodies?
    ANS: Human activities such as pollution, overfishing, damming of rivers, and deforestation can negatively impact water bodies, affecting both the quality and quantity of water available.
  5. Q5: What are ocean currents and how do they affect the climate?
    ANS: Ocean currents are large-scale movements of water within the oceans. They regulate the Earth’s climate by distributing heat from the equator towards the poles.
  6. Q6: Why is water conservation important?
    ANS: Water conservation is important to ensure that sufficient water is available for future generations and to protect the environment.
  7. Q7: What are some methods of water conservation that can be practiced at home?
    ANS: Methods include fixing leaks, using water-saving fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and being mindful of water usage in everyday activities like brushing, bathing, and washing.
  8. Q8: What causes water scarcity?
    ANS: Water scarcity can be caused by drought, overuse and wastage of water, pollution, and increased human demand due to population growth.
  9. Q9: What are tides and what causes them?
    ANS: Tides are the periodic rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun.
  10. Q10: How can studying water help us understand environmental changes?
    ANS: Studying water helps us understand environmental changes by showing us patterns in the water cycle, the effects of climate change on water availability, and the impact of human activities on aquatic ecosystems.

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