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This video covers dynamics of motion, and speed, ways to measure them and uses numerical problems to illustrate their units and applications

Introduction to CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter "Motion and Time"

“Motion and Time” in the CBSE Class 7 Science curriculum delves into the scientific understanding of how objects move and the relationship between time and motion. It starts with defining motion as a change in position of an object over time and describes various types of motions like uniform and non-uniform. The chapter explains that the speed of an object is the distance traveled per unit of time and is calculated using the formula speed = distance/time.

Students learn how to represent motion through distance-time graphs, where a straight line represents uniform motion and a curved line indicates non-uniform motion. The chapter also introduces the concept of average speed and how it differs from uniform speed. Simple and engaging activities are included to help students comprehend the concept of measuring time using various instruments, including standard clocks and sundials.

The narrative is enriched with practical examples and exercises, making the abstract concepts of motion and time relatable and understandable for young minds.

Assignments for CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter “Motion and Time”

  1. Speed Calculation Exercise: Take a short trip and calculate the speed of your journey using the distance covered and the time taken.
  2. Distance-Time Graph: Plot a distance-time graph for a simple scenario, like walking to the park or cycling down the street.
  3. Understanding Non-uniform Motion: Observe different vehicles on the road and describe instances of non-uniform motion.
  4. Create a Sundial: Build a simple sundial and use it to tell time, then compare its accuracy with a modern clock.
  5. Average Speed Diary: Keep a diary for a day tracking various speed changes in routine activities and compute the average speed for a given task.

The chapter “Motion and Time” imparts essential knowledge to students about the workings of the physical world, particularly how objects move and how we measure this movement over time. By grasping these concepts, students build a foundation for understanding the more complex principles of physics that govern our daily lives.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter "Motion and Time"

  1. Q1: What is motion?
    ANS: Motion is the change in position of an object with respect to its surroundings and time.
  2. Q2: How do we calculate speed?
    ANS: Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by an object by the time it takes to cover that distance.
  3. Q3: What is a distance-time graph and what does it show?
    ANS: A distance-time graph plots the distance an object travels against the time it takes, showing the speed of the object and the type of motion.
  4. Q4: What is the difference between average speed and uniform speed?
    ANS: Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken, regardless of speed changes during the journey. Uniform speed means traveling at a consistent speed throughout the journey, without any change.
  1. Q5: Can you give an example of non-uniform motion?
    ANS: Non-uniform motion occurs when an object does not cover equal distances in equal intervals of time, such as a car accelerating or decelerating in traffic.
  2. Q6: What instruments can we use to measure time?
    ANS: Time can be measured using various instruments like clocks, stopwatches, and traditional sundials.
  3. Q7: How does a sundial work?
    ANS: A sundial works by casting a shadow with a gnomon (a stick or a triangular blade) on a dial marked with the hours of the day. The position of the shadow indicates the time.
  4. Q8: Why is understanding motion important in science?
    ANS: Understanding motion is fundamental in science as it helps explain how and why objects move, leading to deeper insights into physics, engineering, and various technologies.
  5. Q9: How is time related to motion?
    ANS: Time is a measure of the duration of motion; it allows us to quantify how long an object takes to move from one place to another.
  6. Q10: What is meant by the ‘rate’ of motion?
    ANS: The ‘rate’ of motion refers to the speed of an object, indicating the distance it travels over a certain period.

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