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Writing Section | Story Writing

In this lesson we learn about the different parts of a story. We also learn how to write a story.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter "Story-Writing"

The chapter on “Story-Writing” provides students with a detailed blueprint for constructing a narrative that captures and retains reader interest. It covers the basic elements of story writing, including setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution. This chapter encourages young learners to express their creativity while grounding their stories in a coherent structure. Students learn to develop characters with depth, to paint vivid settings, and to create plots with a beginning, middle, and climactic turning point, leading to a satisfying conclusion.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of drafting and revising, using descriptive language, and dialogues to bring stories to life. This chapter also offers strategies for overcoming writer’s block and cultivating a writing habit that can lead to the development of unique and memorable stories.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 7 English:“Story-Writing”

Assignment 1: Create an outline for a story using the elements learned in the chapter, and then write the story.

Assignment 2: Rewrite a well-known fairy tale with a modern twist.

Assignment 3: Develop a short story collaboratively with classmates, with each student contributing a segment.


Story-writing is not just an academic exercise; it is a journey into the boundless realm of imagination. This chapter equips Class 7 students with the tools to weave their own stories, fostering creativity and expression that extend well beyond the classroom.


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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 English: "Story-Writing"

Q1: What are the key components of a good story?

ANS: Key components include setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution.

Q2: Why is the setting important in a story?

ANS: The setting grounds the story in a time and place that helps readers visualize the narrative.

Q3: How do characters contribute to a story?

ANS: Characters drive the plot forward and engage readers by their actions and personal development.

Q4: What is a plot in story-writing?

ANS: The plot is the sequence of events that make up the action in the story.

Q5: Why is conflict necessary in a story?

ANS: Conflict introduces tension and challenges for characters, making the story more engaging.

Q6: What is the significance of a story’s resolution?

ANS: The resolution provides closure, resolving conflicts and satisfying the reader’s curiosity about the characters’ fates.

Q7: How can dialogue enhance a story?

ANS: Dialogue can reveal character traits, show relationships, and add realism to the story.

Q8: What should be considered when revising a story?

ANS: Consider clarity, pacing, language, character consistency, and plot coherence during revision.

Q9: How can a writer overcome writer’s block?

ANS: Strategies include taking breaks, writing exercises, reading for inspiration, and discussing ideas with others.

Q10: Why is it essential to practice writing regularly?

ANS: Regular writing practice helps improve skills, build confidence, and cultivate a personal writing style.

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