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A story about a Russian Tsar who wishes to find the answers to three questions

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter "Three Questions"

“Three Questions” is an insightful tale from the CBSE Class 7 English curriculum that revolves around a king’s quest for wisdom. He poses three pivotal questions: the right time to do something, the most important people to consider, and the most significant thing to do. Various intellectuals offer disparate answers, leaving the king unconvinced. Seeking clarity, he visits a hermit known for his wisdom. The hermit’s responses are unspoken; instead, he demonstrates through his actions. He helps an injured man, and in doing so, reveals the answers – the most crucial time is now, the most critical person is the one you’re with, and the most important deed is to be good to the one at your side. These answers highlight the essence of mindfulness, empathy, and action – timeless teachings from Tolstoy’s tale.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 7 English:”Three Questions”

Assignment 1: Write a paragraph on the importance of living in the present moment, citing examples from your life.

Assignment 2: Discuss with a family member about a time they made a decision that reflected the lessons from “Three Questions” and note their insights.

Assignment 3: Create a poster depicting the three questions and their answers to display in your room as a daily reminder.


“Three Questions” offers profound life lessons about the essence of timely action, presence, and benevolence, elegantly unfolded in a story that remains relevant across generations.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 English: "Three Questions"

Q1: What is the central theme of “Three Questions”?

ANS: The central theme is the significance of living in the present, focusing on current tasks, and the value of kindness.

Q2: Why does the king want answers to his three questions?

ANS: The king believes knowing these answers will help him be a successful ruler.

Q3: How does the king finally find his answers?

ANS: He finds them through the hermit’s actions, which teach him about compassion and mindfulness.

Q4: Who wrote “Three Questions”?

ANS: “Three Questions” was written by Leo Tolstoy.

Q5: What does the king learn about the right time to do things?

ANS: He learns that the present moment is always the right time to do things.

Q6: Who are the most important people, according to the hermit?

ANS: The most important person is the one you are with at any moment.

Q7: What is the most important thing to do?

ANS: The most important thing to do is to be good to the person you are with.

Q8: How does the hermit answer the king’s questions?

ANS: The hermit answers the king’s questions through his actions and the consequences that follow.

Q9: What role does the wounded man play in the story?

ANS: The wounded man provides the king with an opportunity to perform a good deed, revealing the answers to his questions.

Q10: How can the lessons from “Three Questions” be applied in our daily lives?

ANS: By being present, valuing people around us, and prioritizing kindness and helpfulness in our actions.

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