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Prose | A Tiger in the House

A story about the narrator's Grandfather rescuing a tiger cub at Terai, raising it and then giving it to a zoo

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter "A Tiger in the House"

This chapter spins the tale of Timothy, a tiger cub, who is found by Grandfather in the Terai jungle and brought home. It paints a vivid picture of Timothy’s life as he grows from a playful cub into a full-sized tiger in a human household. Initially a friendly member of the family, Timothy is fond of frolicking with the narrator and is treated as a pet.

As time goes by, the narrative unfolds the changes in Timothy’s behavior as he matures. He becomes more aggressive, an inherent trait of his species, signaling that he is still a wild animal at heart, despite his upbringing. Grandfather wisely decides to transfer Timothy to a zoo, understanding that such a majestic creature cannot be domesticated fully.

Through this story, students learn about the bond between humans and animals, the unpredictable nature of wild animals, and the moral responsibility humans have towards wildlife.

Assignments and Activities for CBSE Class 7 English: “A Tiger in the House”

Assignment 1: Illustrate a day in the life of Timothy in the household.

Assignment 2: Write a persuasive essay on why wild animals should not be kept as pets.

Assignment 3: Engage in a role-play activity, enacting different scenarios from Timothy’s life with a focus on animal behavior.


“A Tiger in the House” provides a profound narrative about respecting the inherent nature of wildlife. It illustrates how wild animals, regardless of how tame they may appear, retain their wild instincts and must be given the freedom to live in their natural habitat. This chapter teaches students about the beauty of wild animals and the respect we owe them.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 English: "A Tiger in the House"

Q1: Who is Timothy in the chapter “A Tiger in the House”?

ANS: Timothy is a tiger cub who is found in the jungle and brought home by the narrator’s Grandfather.

Q2: How does the family adapt to having a tiger in the house?

ANS: The family adapts by treating Timothy like a pet, with playful interactions and a caring environment.

Q3: What changes occur in Timothy’s behavior as he grows older?

ANS: Timothy becomes more aggressive and less playful, exhibiting natural predatory instincts.

Q4: Why does Grandfather decide to move Timothy to the zoo?

ANS: Grandfather recognizes the inherent wild nature of the tiger, which could become dangerous, and the ethical implications of keeping a wild animal as a pet.

Q5: What is the lesson taught by the chapter “A Tiger in the House”?

ANS: The lesson is about respecting the true nature of wild animals and the importance of wildlife conservation.

Q6: How does Timothy react to his new life in the zoo?

ANS: Timothy appears to be nostalgic and recognizes Grandfather during his visits, showing a retained bond.

Q7: Can Timothy be considered a true pet by the story’s end?

ANS: No, as the story shows that a wild animal’s instincts prevail over domestication.

Q8: What does Timothy symbolize in the story?

ANS: Timothy symbolizes the majestic and untamable spirit of wild animals.

Q9: How is the relationship between humans and wild animals portrayed in the chapter?

ANS: It’s portrayed as complex, with an underlying message that wild animals belong in their natural habitat.

Q10: What message does the author convey through Grandfather’s actions?

ANS: The author conveys a message of compassion, responsibility, and the humane treatment of animals.

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