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A poem which reminds us of the significance of trees

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter "Trees"

The chapter “Trees” is a poem that celebrates the existence and significance of trees. It depicts trees as living entities that bring a sense of calm and tranquility to our lives. The poem paints a vivid picture of trees performing a silent yet critical role in the environment, from providing shelter to various creatures to offering fruits and a canopy of shade for everyone to enjoy.

This poem also encourages students to appreciate the symbiotic relationship between trees and humans. It highlights the need to protect these natural treasures for the health and well-being of our planet. Students are urged to understand the ecological importance of trees, including their role in producing oxygen, preventing soil erosion, and supporting biodiversity.

Assignment and Activities for CBSE Class 7 English:“Trees”

Assignment 1: Write an acrostic poem using the word “TREES” where each line highlights a benefit they provide.

Assignment 2: Draw or paint a landscape that features trees as the central element, showcasing their importance.

Assignment 3: Organize a class debate on the importance of trees and discuss actions we can take to conserve them.


“Trees” serves as a lyrical reminder of the delicate balance of nature and the critical role trees play within it. This chapter calls on students to become advocates for the environment by starting with the appreciation and protection of trees, thus nurturing a greener future.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 7 English: "Trees"

Q1: What imagery is used to describe trees in the poem?

ANS: The poem uses imagery of trees as nurturing figures providing shade, shelter, and sustenance to life around them.

Q2: How do trees contribute to the environment according to the poem?

ANS: Trees contribute by purifying the air, providing fruits, offering shelter, and enhancing the beauty of the environment.

Q3: What feelings does the poem “Trees” evoke?

ANS: The poem evokes feelings of admiration, gratitude, and a sense of responsibility towards the preservation of trees.

Q4: Why should we consider trees as vital to our existence?

ANS: Trees are vital for maintaining ecological balance, providing oxygen, and supporting life on Earth.

Q5: What message does the poet convey through “Trees”?

ANS: The poet conveys the message of conserving trees for their countless benefits and the peaceful aura they create.

Q6: How can students apply the message from the poem in their lives?

ANS: Students can apply the message by engaging in tree plantation activities and spreading awareness about conservation.

Q7: What literary devices are prominent in the poem “Trees”?

ANS: Literary devices such as personification, imagery, and metaphors are used to bring the characteristics of trees to life.

Q8: Why is it important for students to learn about the role of trees?

ANS: Learning about trees’ role helps foster environmental consciousness and responsible stewardship in students.

Q9: What can communities do to protect trees?

ANS: Communities can protect trees by enacting conservation laws, organizing tree planting drives, and avoiding deforestation.

Q10: How does the poem “Trees” inspire action towards environmental protection?

ANS: The poem inspires action by emphasizing the nurturing aspect of trees and their importance in our daily lives.

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