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History | Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

The chapter is about the formation of kingdoms in ancient India- janas and mahajanapadas and the adminsitrative system in these kingdoms

Introduction to CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Chapter "Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic"

The chapter “Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic” takes students back to the era when various kingdoms and republics flourished in the Indian subcontinent. It describes the shift from tribal to settled agricultural societies and the emergence of new forms of governance. The narrative unfolds with the concept of ‘Janapadas,’ the earliest kingdoms, and ‘Mahajanapadas,’ the great kingdoms. Students explore the process of kingdom formation and land expansion, which involved battles and alliances.

The chapter delves into the Varnas system, the role of the king, and the functioning of the early republics like the Vajji, with their unique assemblies that made decisions for the republic. The chapter also covers the rituals and sacrifices kings performed to assert their dominance and the central role played by Brahmanas. Furthermore, students learn about taxes levied on crops, craft persons, traders, and herders, contributing to the kingdom’s wealth.

The chapter concludes with insights into the rise of Buddhism and Jainism as reactions to the prevalent social order and their subsequent influence on society and politics.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Chapter “Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic”

  1. Map the Mahajanapadas: Use a map of India to locate and mark the 16 Mahajanapadas.
  2. Debate the Republics: Conduct a classroom debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the governance system in the Vajji republic.
  3. Role Play: Enact a day in the life of a king during the ancient period, focusing on his duties and rituals.
  4. Taxation Chart: Create a chart listing the different kinds of taxes collected during this period.
  5. Compare and Contrast: Write a short essay comparing the social structures of Varnas and the influence of new religions like Buddhism and Jainism.

“Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic” offers a glimpse into the evolving political, social, and economic landscapes of ancient India. By studying this chapter, students gain an appreciation for the historical roots of governance and social order. It also invites students to reflect on the patterns of history that have shaped contemporary society.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Chapter "Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic"

  1. Q1: What is the significance of the ‘Janapadas’ and ‘Mahajanapadas’?
    ANS: The Janapadas and Mahajanapadas represent the earliest attempts at kingdom formation and territorial expansion in ancient India, laying the groundwork for future empires.
  2. Q2: How did kings in the Vedic period assert their authority?
    ANS: Kings performed rituals and sacrifices, such as the Ashvamedha, to assert their authority and seek the support of gods and Brahmanas.
  3. Q3: What was unique about the republics like Vajji during this period?
    ANS: Republics like Vajji were unique because they had assemblies where decisions were made by members, including common people, rather than by a single ruler.
  4. Q4: How did the new religions of Buddhism and Jainism impact ancient Indian society?
    ANS: Buddhism and Jainism challenged the existing social order, particularly the Varnas system, and promoted ideas of non-violence and personal spiritual development.
  5. Q5: What were some of the taxes mentioned in the chapter?
    ANS: Taxes included those on crops, which were a fixed part of the produce, and taxes on artisans, traders, and herders.
  6. Q6: How was agriculture a source of wealth for the kingdoms?
    ANS: Agriculture was a major source of wealth as it provided food for the population and surplus produce could be taxed to fund the kingdom’s needs.
  7. Q7: What role did the Brahmanas play in the kingdoms?
    ANS: Brahmanas were important as they performed various rituals for the kings and advised them on religious and legal matters.
  8. Q8: How did the kingdom benefit from the craftspeople and traders?
    ANS: The craftspeople and traders contributed to the economy through their skills, trade, and the taxes they paid to the kingdom.
  9. Q9: Why were the early republics considered an early form of democracy?
    ANS: The early republics were considered a form of democracy because decisions were made collectively by an assembly rather than by a single ruler.
  10. Q10: Why is the study of ancient republics important in understanding history?
    ANS: Studying ancient republics is important as it provides insight into early democratic practices and shows how societies can organize themselves outside of monarchies.

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