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Prose | The Friendly Mongoose

A tale taken from the Panchatantra in which a mongoose saves his owner's baby but is killed by the mistress.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 6 English: The Friendly Mongoose

The story revolves around a family who adopts a mongoose. The narrative illustrates the bond that forms between the mongoose and the family, especially with the young son. The tale takes a tragic turn due to a misunderstanding that leads to a hasty and regrettable decision by the mother. This chapter imparts a message about the importance of not acting impulsively and taking time to assess a situation before reacting.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 English: The Friendly Mongoose

  • Character Sketch: Write a character sketch of the mongoose and its relationship with the family.
  • Alternative Ending: Imagine and write an alternative ending to the story where the mother waits before reacting.
  • Comprehension Questions: Answer questions based on the text to improve understanding of the story.
  • Moral Discussion: Write a paragraph discussing the moral of the story and how it applies to real life.

Conclusion: The Significance of ‘The Friendly Mongoose’

“The Friendly Mongoose” serves as a reminder of the enduring values of patience and understanding. It emphasizes that actions have consequences, and therefore, it is crucial to act with consideration. The story, woven into the CBSE Class 6 curriculum, is not only engaging but also serves as a vital ethical guide for young learners.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 6 English: The Friendly Mongoose

  • Q1: Who are the characters in ‘The Friendly Mongoose’?
    ANS: The main characters are a farmer, his wife, their baby son, and the mongoose.
  • Q2: Why did the family decide to bring a mongoose into their home?
    ANS: The family brought the mongoose into their home to keep their son company and to protect him from harm.
  • Q3: What did the mongoose do that caused the mother to react so drastically?
    ANS: The mongoose killed a snake that posed a threat to the baby, but the mother misinterpreted the blood on the mongoose’s mouth as a sign that it had harmed her child.
  • Q4: What tragic mistake did the mother make?
    ANS: Believing the mongoose had attacked her son, the mother killed the mongoose in a hasty reaction.
  • Q5: What did the mother find upon returning home after killing the mongoose?
    ANS: She found her son safely sleeping in his cradle and a dead snake on the floor, indicating the mongoose had saved her child.
  • Q6: What does the mongoose symbolize in the story?
    ANS: The mongoose symbolizes loyalty, bravery, and the tragic consequences of misjudgments.
  • Q7: How did the farmer react to the actions of the mongoose and his wife?
    ANS: The story typically portrays the farmer as heartbroken and regretful over the hasty actions taken by his wife.
  • Q8: What moral lesson does ‘The Friendly Mongoose’ teach?
    ANS: The story teaches the importance of not jumping to conclusions and the value of assessing situations thoroughly before taking action.
  • Q9: How might the story have ended differently if the mother had investigated further?
    ANS: If the mother had checked on her son before attacking the mongoose, she would have found him safe, and the loyal mongoose would have lived.
  • Q10: In the story, how is the natural instinct of the mongoose portrayed?
    ANS: The mongoose’s natural instinct is portrayed positively, as it uses its instinct to protect the child from the snake.

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