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A story of Tansen winning a challenge set by some jealous courtiers in Akbar's court with his talent and intelligence

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 6 English: "Tansen"

“Tansen” is an inspiring chapter that takes us through the life of the legendary musician at the court of Emperor Akbar. Tansen, originally named Ramtanu, was known for his divine ability to sing and compose music. Born to a poet and musician, Tansen’s talent was evident from a young age. His journey led him to become a disciple of Swami Haridas, who honed his skills in music. Tansen’s fame spread far and wide, eventually reaching the ears of Emperor Akbar, who invited him to join the royal court. As one of the ‘Navratnas,’ Tansen enchanted everyone with his performances and became a close confidant of the Emperor.

His music had miraculous powers and could invoke the natural elements, which also led to challenges and trials. The chapter also highlights a famous incident where Tansen’s rendition of the Deepak Raaga supposedly lit lamps and caused his body to burn with intense heat. To cool down, he had to sing the Megh Malhar Raaga to bring rain.

The chapter not only illustrates Tansen’s unparalleled contribution to the field of music but also teaches valuable lessons about dedication, mentorship, and the influence of art on nature and human emotion.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 English Chapter: Tansen

To further immerse students in the musical tale of Tansen, encourage them to partake in assignments that explore the influence of music on emotions and nature. Students could be tasked to research and write about the different types of Raagas and their intended effects or perhaps even attempt to create their own simple compositions. Another engaging activity could be to draw parallels between Tansen’s life and that of a modern musician, exploring the timeless nature of music and its impact across ages.


In summary, “Tansen” is not just a narrative about a musician’s legacy; it’s a powerful testament to the impact of dedication and passion. This chapter serves as a tribute to the everlasting beauty and power of music, as well as the importance of cultural heritage.

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Questions and Answers

  • Q1: Who was Tansen?
    ANS: Tansen was a prominent figure in Indian history, renowned for being one of the greatest musicians in the court of Emperor Akbar.
  • Q2: Why was Tansen famous at Emperor Akbar’s court?
    ANS: Tansen was famous at Emperor Akbar’s court for his musical talent and his ability to bring rain or light lamps with his singing.
  • Q3: What did Tansen’s music teacher ask him to do before accepting him as a student?
    ANS: Tansen’s music teacher, Swami Haridas, asked him to serve him for many years before he would teach him music.
  • Q4: How did Tansen cause lamps to light and bring rain with his music?
    ANS: It is said that Tansen could light lamps by singing the Raga Deepak and bring rain by singing the Raga Megh.
  • Q5: What was the challenge Tansen faced with the Raga Deepak?
    ANS: The challenge was that singing the Raga Deepak could cause the singer’s body to become extremely hot and even burn up.
  • Q6: How did Tansen plan to counter the effects of Raga Deepak?
    ANS: Tansen asked his daughter and her husband to sing the Raga Megh, which could bring cooling rains to counter the heat of the Raga Deepak.
  • Q7: Why did Tansen not want to sing the Raga Deepak?
    ANS: Tansen was reluctant to sing Raga Deepak because of the potential danger to his life, as it could ignite his body.
  • Q8: Who were Tansen’s family members involved in music?
    ANS: Tansen’s daughter, Saraswati, and her husband, Shaukat Mian, were also musicians.
  • Q9: What lesson do we learn from Tansen’s story?
    ANS: The lesson from Tansen’s story is about dedication to one’s art and the power of music that can evoke natural elements.
  • Q10: How did Emperor Akbar honor Tansen after the performance of Raga Deepak?
    ANS: Emperor Akbar honored Tansen for his unmatched skill and dedication by bestowing upon him great respect and numerous gifts.

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| Class-6, English | No Comments
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