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A story about a young girl who communicates with the sun and requests him to shine and revive her ailing mother

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 6 English - A Pact with the Sun

“A Pact with the Sun” narrates a poignant story of a young boy who falls seriously ill and his mother’s unwavering devotion to his recovery. In her desperation, she seeks help from the Sun God, pledging to build a temple if her son is healed. Miraculously, the boy recovers, and his mother works tirelessly to fulfill her vow, facing challenges with courage and determination. Despite being poor and encountering skepticism from villagers, her steadfast faith and the son’s assistance eventually lead them to build a temple, honoring the sacred pact she made with the Sun. This tale captures the essence of hope, faith, and the power of a promise that delivers light from the darkness, both literally and metaphorically.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 English Chapter: A Pact with the Sun

Let’s engage with the story’s themes through these activities:

  • Sun Salutation: Create a series of drawings that depict the story’s main events, like a comic strip.
  • Mother’s Devotion: Write a short poem expressing the mother’s feelings during her son’s illness.
  • Temple of Faith: Construct a small model of a temple using materials from around your home.
  • Vow of Kindness: Make a list of kind acts you promise to perform for your family or friends.
  • Debate the Sun: Hold a debate on whether the Sun could truly influence the boy’s recovery.


“A Pact with the Sun” from the CBSE Class 6 English syllabus is a luminous example of literature’s ability to inspire and teach. It guides young readers to understand the significance of keeping promises, the strength found in faith, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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Questions and Answers

  • Q1: What promise did the mother make to the Sun God?

ANS: The mother promised to build a temple in honor of the Sun God if her son recovered from his illness.

  • Q2: How did the villagers react to the mother’s plan to build a temple?

ANS: The villagers were skeptical and doubted that she would be able to fulfill such a grand vow.

  • Q3: What is the moral of the story “A Pact with the Sun”?

ANS: The moral of the story is that faith and promises hold immense power, and perseverance can help overcome great obstacles.

  • Q4: How did the mother and son fulfill the pact with the Sun?

ANS: They worked hard, faced many challenges, and with unwavering dedication, they managed to build the temple as promised.

  • Q5: Why is the story titled “A Pact with the Sun”?

ANS: The story is titled “A Pact with the Sun” to highlight the solemn agreement made with the Sun God, which is central to the narrative.

  • Q6: Was the son’s recovery a miracle, or was it due to the mother’s care?

ANS: The story suggests it was a miracle attributed to the mother’s faith in the Sun God, but it also recognizes the power of her care.

  • Q7: How does the story depict the relationship between the mother and son?

ANS: The story depicts a strong bond of love and mutual support between the mother and her son.

  • Q8: What does the temple symbolize in the story?

ANS: The temple symbolizes the fulfillment of a promise and the tangible result of the mother’s faith and hard work.

  • Q9: Can faith always be seen in physical forms such as a temple?

ANS: Not always. Faith often manifests in one’s actions and moral choices rather than physical forms.

  • Q10: Why do you think the author chose the Sun as the deity in the pact?

ANS: The Sun is often associated with life, hope, and healing, making it an apt deity for a story about overcoming illness through faith.

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