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Poetry | The Wonderful Words

A poem about the beauty and significance of language or words of a language

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 6 English: The Wonderful Words

In this chapter, students are introduced to a poem that celebrates the beauty and strength of words. The poem personifies words as powerful entities that can sing, dance, and convey emotions. It encourages children to use words wisely and appreciate their inherent beauty and expressive power.

Through vivid imagery, the poem illustrates that words can create enchanting stories, cast spells, and bring joy, making them truly wonderful. The poet emphasizes the significance of words in communication, storytelling, and expression, inspiring students to value language and use it creatively.

Assignments for CBSE Class 6 English: The Wonderful Words

Assignments to engage students with the poem might include:

  • Poetry Analysis: Analyze the poem to understand its theme, tone, and the poet’s message about the importance of words.
  • Creative Writing: Write a short story or poem using some of the descriptive words from the chapter.
  • Word Collage: Create a collage using ‘wonderful words’ cut out from magazines or newspapers that convey different emotions.
  • Expressive Reading: Practice reading the poem aloud, focusing on expressive delivery to convey the meaning of the words.


“The Wonderful Words” is a poem that encourages young students to appreciate the power and beauty of language. It invites them to explore and enjoy the endless possibilities that words can offer in expressing themselves and understanding the world.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 6 English: The Wonderful Words

  • Q1: What is the poem “The Wonderful Words” about?
    ANS: The poem celebrates the beauty and power of words, and how they can evoke emotions, create images, and express ideas.
  • Q2: Who is the poet of “The Wonderful Words”?
    ANS: The poet’s name is not provided here, but the poem “The Wonderful Words” is often attributed to various authors in different textbooks.
  • Q3: How do words play a significant role according to the poem?
    ANS: Words play a significant role by allowing us to communicate and connect with others, and by giving us a way to share our thoughts and feelings.
  • Q4: What feelings do the ‘wonderful words’ evoke in the reader?
    ANS: The ‘wonderful words’ evoke feelings of joy, curiosity, and appreciation for the ability to communicate and imagine.
  • Q5: Can you name a few ways in which words are described in the poem?
    ANS: In the poem, words are described as powerful, beautiful, and inspiring.
  • Q6: Why does the poet refer to words as ‘wonderful’?
    ANS: The poet refers to words as ‘wonderful’ because of their ability to create and convey a vast range of ideas and emotions.
  • Q7: How are words compared to ‘magic’ in the poem?
    ANS: Words are compared to ‘magic’ because they have the power to enchant, transform, and transport the reader to different worlds.
  • Q8: What imagery is used in the poem to describe words?
    ANS: The imagery used in the poem includes visuals that suggest beauty, creativity, and the impact of words on the human experience.
  • Q9: According to the poem, how do words affect us?
    ANS: Words affect us by stirring our emotions, sparking our imagination, and allowing us to communicate our deepest desires and thoughts.
  • Q10: What message does the poet convey through “The Wonderful Words”?
    ANS: The poet conveys the message that words are an incredibly powerful tool that we should cherish and use wisely.

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