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This topic teaches fraction is an easy way with examples on parts and wholes

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 Mathematics: Parts and Wholes

“Parts and Wholes” is a fundamental chapter in Class 5 Mathematics that introduces students to the world of fractions. It begins by explaining what fractions are — a way of expressing parts of a whole. The chapter guides students through different types of fractions, such as proper, improper, and mixed fractions, and how to convert between them.

Students learn how to visualize fractions through various activities that involve dividing shapes and sets into equal parts. They discover how to identify and create fractions from everyday objects and situations, understanding that fractions are not just numbers, but representations of parts of a whole.

The chapter also teaches addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, building a foundational skill set for future mathematical concepts. It emphasizes the practical use of fractions in measuring ingredients for a recipe, dividing objects among people, and more, showcasing the practical applications of mathematics.

Through interactive examples and problems, students become familiar with the terms numerator and denominator and learn to compare and order fractions, enhancing their numeracy and analytical skills.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 Mathematics: Parts and Wholes Assignments to complement the chapter could include:

  • Fraction Collage: Create a collage that represents different fractions using cut-outs from magazines or colored paper.
  • Recipe Conversion: Convert a simple recipe to serve a different number of people by adjusting the fractional measurements.
  • Fraction Story Problems: Solve word problems involving fractions that relate to dividing and sharing items in real-life situations.
  • Drawing Fractions: Draw shapes divided into fractions, labeling each part with the corresponding fraction.


“Parts and Wholes” enriches students’ understanding of fractions and demonstrates their practical applications, ensuring that they recognize the significance of parts in forming wholes in everyday contexts. This understanding is vital, as it lays down a foundational comprehension of how fractions operate within the world, bridging the gap between abstract concepts and tangible experiences.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 Mathematics: Parts and Wholes

  • Q1: What is a fraction?
    ANS: A fraction represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts.
  • Q2: How do you write a mixed fraction?
    ANS: A mixed fraction is written with a whole number followed by a proper fraction, like 1 3/4.
  • Q3: If you divide a pizza into 8 equal slices and eat 3, what fraction of the pizza have you eaten?
    ANS: You have eaten 3/8 of the pizza.
  • Q4: What is an improper fraction?
    ANS: An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
  • Q5: Can two fractions with different denominators be compared?
    ANS: Yes, but they must first be converted to have a common denominator before they can be compared.
  • Q6: How do you convert an improper fraction to a mixed number?
    ANS: Divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient is the whole number, and the remainder over the denominator is the fraction part.
  • Q7: If you have a fraction 4/5, what is the denominator?
    ANS: The denominator is 5.
  • Q8: What does the numerator of a fraction tell you?
    ANS: The numerator tells you how many parts of the whole you have or are considering.
  • Q9: If three friends share 1/2 of a chocolate bar equally, what fraction of the whole bar does each friend get?
    ANS: Each friend gets 1/6 of the whole bar.

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