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EVS | Who will do this Work?

This chapter depicts the life of those workers without whom our daily lives will become impossible.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: Who Will Do This Work?

This chapter introduces students to the concept of different occupations and the essential roles they play in the functioning of society. Through engaging narratives and real-life examples, “Who Will Do This Work?” explores various professions, from doctors and teachers to farmers and sanitation workers, highlighting how each job contributes to the well-being and development of the community.

The narrative encourages students to reflect on the interdependence of different professions and the importance of respecting all forms of work. It addresses societal attitudes towards certain jobs, challenging stereotypes and encouraging a more inclusive understanding of the value of labor. Students are invited to consider the consequences of undervaluing certain roles and the impact of such attitudes on individuals and society as a whole.

By fostering empathy and appreciation for the work of others, this chapter aims to instill a sense of respect for all professions among young learners, emphasizing that every job, no matter how big or small, deserves recognition and respect.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Who Will Do This Work? Enhance students’ learning experience with these interactive assignments:

  • Interview a Community Worker: Students can interview someone from a profession that interests them, learning about their daily tasks, challenges, and what they enjoy about their work.
  • Class Discussion on Unseen Heroes: Organize a discussion on the ‘unseen heroes’ of our society, like cleaners, waste collectors, and others, focusing on the importance of their work.
  • Role-Play Activity: Students can role-play different professions, presenting on what a day in their chosen profession looks like and the challenges they face.
  • Gratitude Project: Create a project or campaign to express gratitude towards people in various professions, highlighting their contributions to society.


“Who Will Do This Work?” plays a crucial role in educating young minds about the diversity of work and the inherent value in every profession. By fostering appreciation and respect for all types of labor, the chapter not only enriches students’ understanding of societal functions but also nurtures a more inclusive and empathetic worldview. Encouraging respect for all professions is fundamental in building a just, equitable, and compassionate society, where every individual’s contribution is valued and celebrated.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Who Will Do This Work?

  • Q1: What is the main theme of the chapter “Who Will Do This Work?”?
    ANS: The main theme is understanding and appreciating the diversity of professions and recognizing the dignity of all types of work.
  • Q2: Why is every job important for a community?
    ANS: Every job is important because each plays a unique role in supporting the community’s functioning, well-being, and development.
  • Q3: How can we show respect for all professions?
    ANS: We can show respect by acknowledging the value of each profession, expressing gratitude for their services, and treating every worker with dignity and equality.
  • Q4: What can society do to ensure all professions are valued equally?
    ANS: Society can promote education and awareness about the importance of all jobs, ensure fair wages, and encourage respectful attitudes towards all workers.
  • Q5: Give an example of an unseen hero in our community.
    ANS: An unseen hero could be a sanitation worker who ensures our neighborhoods are clean and hygienic, playing a critical role in maintaining public health.
  • Q6: How does the attitude towards certain jobs affect individuals working in those professions?
    ANS: Negative attitudes can lead to social stigma, undervaluation, and poor working conditions, affecting individuals’ self-esteem and job satisfaction.
  • Q7: Why is it important for students to learn about different professions?
    ANS: Learning about different professions helps students understand societal functioning, fosters respect for all work, and can inspire them in their future career choices.
  • Q8: What role do teachers play in shaping students’ perceptions of different jobs?
    ANS: Teachers play a crucial role by educating students about the value of all professions, challenging stereotypes, and promoting respect for all workers.
  • Q9: How can communities support workers in undervalued professions?
    ANS: Communities can support by advocating for fair wages, better working conditions, and public recognition of their contributions.
  • Q10: Discuss how the interdependence of different professions impacts society.
    ANS: The interdependence of professions ensures that societal needs are met, from healthcare and education to food production and waste management, highlighting how each role is

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