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EVS | What If it Finishes

In this story some children discuss a world where fuel does not exist

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: What if it Finishes?

The chapter “What if it Finishes?” presents a critical look at the various natural resources, such as water, fossil fuels, minerals, and forests, that humans rely on for daily living and development. It highlights how these resources, while abundant, are finite and face the threat of depletion due to overuse and unsustainable practices.

Students are introduced to the concept of renewable and non-renewable resources, learning about the importance of conserving and wisely managing these resources to ensure they are available for future generations. The narrative encourages students to think about the consequences of resource depletion, including environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and the challenges it poses to human survival and well-being.

Through engaging activities and discussions, “What if it Finishes?” motivates students to explore alternative sources of energy, the importance of recycling, and simple daily actions they can take to reduce resource consumption. The chapter aims to inspire a shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and the adoption of practices that contribute to the conservation of natural resources.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: What if it Finishes? To reinforce the chapter’s concepts, consider these interactive and educational assignments:

  • Resource Conservation Poster: Create a poster that highlights ways to conserve one natural resource, such as water or electricity, with practical tips for everyday actions.
  • Alternative Energy Project: Research and present on an alternative source of energy, such as solar or wind power, discussing its benefits and how it can be used to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Recycling at Home Diary: Keep a diary for a week to record how you and your family recycle different materials. Reflect on how recycling can help conserve resources.
  • Debate on Resource Use: Participate in a class debate on the topic “Is it possible to live without using plastic?” to explore the impact of plastics on natural resources and the environment.


“What if it Finishes?” challenges students to think critically about the use of natural resources and the necessity of adopting sustainable practices. This chapter not only educates about the finite nature of these resources but also empowers students with the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact on the planet’s future. Through thoughtful consideration and action, we can all contribute to conserving natural resources for our well-being and that of future generations.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: What if it Finishes?

  • Q1: What are natural resources?
    ANS: Natural resources are materials or substances such as water, minerals, forests, and fossil fuels that occur in nature and can be used by humans.
  • Q2: Why is it important to conserve natural resources?
    ANS: It is important to conserve natural resources to ensure they do not deplete and remain available for future generations, maintaining ecological balance and supporting life.
  • Q3: What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?
    ANS: Renewable resources can replenish naturally over time, like sunlight and wind, while non-renewable resources, such as coal and oil, have a limited supply and can be exhausted.
  • Q4: How can we save water in our daily lives?
    ANS: We can save water by fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, and collecting rainwater for gardening.
  • Q5: What are some alternatives to using fossil fuels?
    ANS: Alternatives to fossil fuels include renewable energy sources like solar power, wind energy, hydroelectric power, and biofuels.
  • Q6: How does recycling help conserve natural resources?
    ANS: Recycling helps conserve natural resources by reducing the need to extract new materials, saving energy, and minimizing pollution.
  • Q7: Why is it important to use resources wisely?
    ANS: Using resources wisely is important to prevent depletion, reduce environmental impact, and ensure sustainability for future needs.
  • Q8: What can happen if natural resources finish?
    ANS: If natural resources finish, it could lead to resource scarcity, environmental crises, loss of biodiversity, and challenges in meeting the basic needs of all living beings.
  • Q9: How can children contribute to resource conservation?
    ANS: Children can contribute by practicing and promoting recycling, conserving water and energy, participating in tree planting activities, and educating others about the importance of conservation.
  • Q10: What role do governments play in conserving natural resources?
    ANS: Governments play a crucial role by creating and enforcing environmental regulations, promoting sustainable practices, investing in alternative energy, and raising public awareness on conservation.

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