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This chapter is about the different sensory organs that humans have and how they differ from animals

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: Super Senses

“Super-Senses” delves into the fascinating abilities of animals to perceive their environment, emphasizing the survival role of heightened senses. This chapter begins by comparing human senses to those of animals, illustrating how various species have developed exceptional sensory capabilities to navigate their world, find food, evade predators, and communicate.

For instance, the chapter highlights how an eagle’s sharp eyesight allows it to spot prey from great distances, while a dog’s acute sense of smell enables it to follow trails and detect dangers. Students learn about the echolocation abilities of bats, which navigate and hunt in complete darkness using sound waves. The chapter also explores the sensitive whiskers of cats and mice, which act as tactile sensors to detect changes in their surroundings.

Through engaging narratives and examples, “Super-Senses” encourages students to appreciate the diversity of life and the complexity of the natural world. It fosters curiosity about the science behind animal behaviors and the evolutionary adaptations that have enabled such remarkable sensory capabilities. By drawing comparisons to human senses, the chapter makes the content relatable and sparks interest in biology and environmental science.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Super-Senses To deepen your understanding of “Super-Senses,” here are some thought-provoking assignments:

  1. Animal Senses Diary: Keep a diary for a week, noting any observations of animals and their senses in action. Did you see a bird hunting, a dog sniffing, or a cat using its whiskers? Reflect on how these senses help the animal.
  2. Sensory Exploration Walk: Take a walk in a natural area or park. Use your senses to explore your environment. Write about what you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste (if safe).
  3. Research Project: Choose an animal with a super-sense. Research how this sense works and how it helps the animal survive. Present your findings in a creative way, such as a poster, PowerPoint, or video.
  4. Interview a Pet Owner: Talk to someone who owns a pet, preferably with a strong sense, like a dog or cat. Ask them how they think their pet uses its senses in daily life and share your findings.

These assignments encourage students to explore the natural world, develop observation skills, and appreciate the intricate ways animals adapt to their environments.


“Super-Senses” from CBSE Class 5 EVS captivates students with the wonders of the animal kingdom, showcasing the extraordinary ways animals use their senses. This chapter not only enriches students’ understanding of biology and ecology but also inspires a greater appreciation for nature’s complexity. Through interactive assignments and reflective questions, learners are encouraged to explore the natural world, fostering a lifelong curiosity and respect for living creatures and their environments.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: Super-Senses

Q1: What is echolocation and which animal is known for using it? ANS: Echolocation is a biological sonar used by several kinds of animals (notably bats) to navigate and hunt by emitting sounds that bounce off objects, returning echoes that provide the animal with information about the surroundings.

Q2: How do dogs use their sense of smell? ANS: Dogs use their highly developed sense of smell to track scents, which can be useful in finding food, detecting danger, or following trails, as well as in communication with other dogs.

Q3: Why do eagles have sharp eyesight? ANS: Eagles have sharp eyesight to spot prey from great distances, which is critical for hunting and survival in their natural habitat.

Q4: How do cats use their whiskers? ANS: Cats use their whiskers as tactile sensors to detect changes in their surroundings, helping them navigate in tight spaces and in the dark.

Q5: What purpose does the sensitive skin of an elephant serve? ANS: The sensitive skin of an elephant helps it to feel subtle vibrations, which can be important for communication with other elephants and sensing the environment.

Q6: Describe how humans compare to animals in terms of sensory abilities. ANS: Humans have well-developed senses, but many animals possess sensory abilities that are far more acute in certain areas, such as hearing, sight, or smell, to adapt to their specific environmental needs.

Q7: What is the significance of sensory adaptation in animals? ANS: Sensory adaptation in animals is significant for survival, enabling them to find food, avoid predators, navigate their environment, and communicate with others of their species.

Q8: Can you name an animal with a remarkable sense of hearing and describe its ability? ANS: Owls have a remarkable sense of hearing, which allows them to hear prey under snow or in dense vegetation, facilitating hunting in complete darkness.

Q9: How do butterflies use their sense of taste? ANS: Butterflies use their sense of taste through their feet to find suitable plants for laying eggs, ensuring their offspring have the right food source upon hatching.

Q10: What role does the sense of smell play in animal communication? ANS: The sense of smell plays a crucial role in animal communication, helping animals mark territory, recognize family or group members, and signal readiness for mating.

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