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This is a story of those people who has to migrate from their homes to give way for infrstructure in this case it is the dam

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: No Place for Us

In “No Place for Us,” students are introduced to the complex issue of displacement, focusing on the stories of families and communities that have had to leave their homes due to various reasons such as environmental disasters, development projects, or conflict. Through narrative accounts and case studies, the chapter explores the emotional and practical challenges faced by displaced people, including the loss of community, culture, and stability.

The chapter discusses the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation in preventing displacement. It also highlights the efforts of various organizations and communities in providing support and finding solutions for those affected. By engaging with “No Place for Us,” students gain a deeper understanding of the human impact of losing one’s home and the value of empathy, support, and action in addressing this global issue.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: No Place for Us To further explore the themes of the chapter and encourage active learning, consider these assignments:

  • Research and Presentation: Investigate a recent instance of displacement (due to natural disasters, urban development, etc.) and present your findings, focusing on the causes, impacts, and responses.
  • Letter Writing Campaign: Write letters to local or international organizations that support displaced communities, expressing solidarity and inquiring about how you can help.
  • Create a Support Plan: Design a plan outlining how your school or community could support individuals or families who have experienced displacement.
  • Discussion Circle: Hold a class discussion to share thoughts and feelings about displacement and brainstorm ideas on promoting awareness and support within the community.


The chapter “No Place for Us” in CBSE Class 5 EVS brings to light the significant issues of displacement and habitat loss, urging students to empathize with those affected and motivating them to be part of supportive actions. Through this chapter, learners are encouraged to think critically about the causes and effects of displacement and to recognize the importance of compassion, resilience, and community support in facing these challenges.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: No Place for Us

  • Q1: What causes displacement?
    ANS: Displacement can be caused by natural disasters, conflicts, development projects, and environmental degradation.
  • Q2: What are some of the challenges faced by displaced people?
    ANS: Challenges include loss of home and community, disruption in education and employment, emotional stress, and the struggle to find new safe and stable living conditions.
  • Q3: How can displacement be prevented?
    ANS: Prevention measures include sustainable development practices, environmental conservation, conflict resolution, and effective disaster management and preparedness.
  • Q4: Why is support for displaced people important?
    ANS: Support is crucial for helping displaced people rebuild their lives, ensuring they have access to basic needs, and helping them regain a sense of stability and dignity.
  • Q5: What role can students play in supporting displaced communities?
    ANS: Students can raise awareness, participate in fundraising or donation drives, volunteer with local charities, and foster an inclusive environment for everyone.
  • Q6: How do development projects lead to displacement?
    ANS: Development projects can lead to displacement if communities are relocated without their consent to make way for infrastructures such as dams, roads, or urban development.
  • Q7: What is the impact of displacement on children’s education?
    ANS: Displacement can disrupt children’s education due to school changes, loss of educational materials, and emotional distress affecting their learning.
  • Q8: Can displaced people return to their homes?
    ANS: In some cases, displaced people may return home if it’s safe and viable, but often they must adapt to new areas if return is not possible.
  • Q9: What is habitat loss, and how is it related to displacement?
    ANS: Habitat loss refers to the destruction or decline of natural environments, which can displace wildlife and humans dependent on those habitats for survival.
  • Q10: How can communities help in resettling displaced families?
    ANS: Communities can help by providing housing, employment opportunities, educational support, and social integration programs to assist displaced families in adapting to new environments.

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