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In this video we come across Dhanu and the people of his village who has to leave their homes and migrate for work for half part of the year

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 EVS: On the Move Again

This chapter delves into the concept of migration, presenting it as a natural and essential aspect of life for many species, including humans. Through various stories and examples, students learn about seasonal migrations of birds, the migratory patterns of nomadic communities, and the reasons why some families move from one place to another.

The narrative covers the environmental, social, and economic factors that drive migration, such as climate change, habitat loss, employment opportunities, and education. It also touches on the resilience and adaptability required to make these journeys and settle into new environments.

By exploring “On the Move Again,” students gain insights into the interconnectedness of ecosystems, the importance of conservation efforts to support migratory paths, and the human aspects of migration, fostering a global perspective and compassion for those who are on the move.

Assignments for CBSE Class 5 EVS: On the Move Again Engage students with the chapter’s themes through these thoughtful assignments:

  • Migration Diary: Create a diary entry from the perspective of a migratory bird or a person who has moved to a new place, describing the journey and the new environment.
  • Map It Out: Use maps to track the migration routes of specific animals or human populations discussed in the chapter, noting the starting points, destinations, and obstacles faced.
  • Interview Project: If possible, interview someone who has experienced migration. Share their story with the class, focusing on the reasons for moving and the challenges and opportunities they encountered.
  • Conservation Poster: Design a poster promoting the conservation of habitats critical to migratory species, highlighting the importance of protecting these pathways.


“On the Move Again” illuminates the complexities and beauties of migration, teaching students about the natural instincts, human desires, and global patterns that keep the world in constant motion. Through this chapter, students are encouraged to appreciate the courage and resilience of migrants and the critical need for empathy and support for those who embark on these journeys, whether by choice or necessity.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 5 EVS: On the Move Again

  • Q1: What is migration?
    ANS: Migration is the movement of people or animals from one region to another, often cyclically or seasonally, in search of food, better living conditions, or breeding sites.
  • Q2: Why do animals migrate?
    ANS: Animals migrate to survive, moving to find food, suitable climates, or safe places to breed and raise their offspring.
  • Q3: Can you name a migratory bird and describe its migratory path?
    ANS: The Arctic Tern is a migratory bird known for its long-distance migration from its breeding grounds in the Arctic to its wintering grounds in the Antarctic and back again.
  • Q4: What challenges do migrants face?
    ANS: Migrants face challenges such as harsh weather conditions, predators, loss of habitats, and for humans, cultural and linguistic barriers, employment and legal issues.
  • Q5: Why do some people migrate?
    ANS: People migrate for various reasons, including seeking employment, educational opportunities, escaping conflict or environmental factors, or reuniting with family.
  • Q6: How does climate change affect migration patterns?
    ANS: Climate change affects migration patterns by altering habitats and food availability, forcing species to move to new areas to survive and impacting traditional human livelihoods.
  • Q7: What role do governments play in supporting migrants?
    ANS: Governments can support migrants by providing legal protection, integrating them into the community, offering access to services like education and healthcare, and ensuring their rights are respected.
  • Q8: How can we help protect migratory routes for animals?
    ANS: Protecting migratory routes can be achieved through habitat conservation, creating wildlife corridors, reducing pollution, and implementing policies that mitigate climate change impacts.
  • Q9: What is a nomadic lifestyle?
    ANS: A nomadic lifestyle involves moving regularly from one place to another, often following seasonal patterns, in search of grazing lands, food, and water, rather than settling permanently in one location.
  • Q10: How does migration enrich our societies?
    ANS: Migration enriches societies by bringing cultural diversity, new skills, and perspectives, fostering innovation, and contributing to economic growth and social vibrancy.

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