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Writing Section | Story Writing

In this lesson we learn about the different parts of a story. We also learn how to write a story.

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Writing Section: Story Writing

“Story Writing” is an imaginative chapter in the CBSE Class 5 English Writing Section that invites young students to explore the world of narrative construction. This chapter provides a foundation in the basics of crafting a story, including elements like setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution.

Students learn to develop vibrant settings that transport readers to different worlds, create characters with depth and personality, and construct plots that are engaging and full of twists. They are introduced to the concept of a story arc and how to build suspense leading to a climax. The chapter emphasizes the importance of a satisfying resolution, where the threads of the story come together in a coherent whole.

Through a step-by-step approach, the guide encourages students to brainstorm ideas, outline their stories, and understand the value of drafting and revising their work. This process not only nurtures their writing skills but also fosters creativity and critical thinking.

Assignments for Story Writing – CBSE Class 5 English

Enhance your narrative skills with these imaginative assignments:

  • Create Your Hero: Invent a hero for a story and write a character profile, including appearance, traits, and motivations.
  • Magical World Building: Design a map of a fantasy land where your story will take place, detailing the landscapes and key locations.


In the chapter “Story Writing,” CBSE Class 5 students are equipped with the tools to weave their tales, creating not just stories but experiences for the reader. As they practice and perfect their craft, they learn that the power of a good story lies in its ability to evoke emotions and transport readers to another time and place.

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Questions and Answers for Story Writing - CBSE Class 5 English

1. What are the key components of a story?

The key components include the setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution.

2. How do you create a compelling character?

By giving them clear motivations, strengths, flaws, and a unique voice.

3. What is a plot?

The plot is the sequence of events that make up the action of the story.

4. Why is conflict important in a story?

Conflict is important as it creates tension and drives the narrative forward.

5. How can dialogue enhance a story?

Dialogue can reveal character traits and advance the plot through conversation.

6. What makes a strong story opening?

A strong opening grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the story.

7. How can a setting influence a story?

The setting can influence the mood, theme, and actions of characters within a story.

8. Why is the resolution a critical part of the story?

It provides closure to the narrative, resolving conflicts and tying up loose ends.

9. How does revising improve story writing?

Revising allows you to refine the plot, enhance character development, and correct grammar and spelling.

10. What is the role of imagination in story writing?

Imagination fuels the creation of original ideas and rich, vivid worlds in storytelling.

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