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Prose | Gulliver’s Travels

A story adapted from Jonathan Swift's famous novel, in which a man named Gulliver finds himself in the land of the Brobdingnags or giant-sized men

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Prose: Gulliver's Travels

“Gulliver’s Travels,” a classic narrative in the CBSE Class 5 English curriculum, takes students through the extraordinary voyages of Lemuel Gulliver. This abridged version for young learners encapsulates Gulliver’s encounters with the tiny people of Lilliput and the giants of Brobdingnag. The prose adapts Jonathan Swift’s satirical tale, introducing students to rich literary language and imaginative storytelling.

Through Gulliver’s eyes, students explore diverse societies and reflect on human nature from different perspectives. They learn about the importance of understanding and empathy as Gulliver navigates cultures vastly different from his own. The chapter also presents an opportunity to discuss themes such as power, conflict, and the consequences of pride.

This story is an excellent way to introduce elements of satire and allegory to Class 5 students, helping them appreciate the deeper meanings that can be conveyed through imaginative literature.

Assignments for Gulliver’s Travels – CBSE Class 5 English

Students can deepen their engagement with the chapter through assignments like:

  • Create Your Own Island: Design an island with its own unique inhabitants and rules, drawing inspiration from the novel.
  • Gulliver’s Travel Diary: Write diary entries from Gulliver’s point of view, describing his thoughts and feelings about his adventures.


“Gulliver’s Travels” offers Class 5 students a gateway to understanding complex human behaviors through the lens of fantasy. It encourages them to think critically about the world and their place in it. As they close this chapter, students are reminded of the power of storytelling and its capacity to teach us about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

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Questions and Answers for Gulliver's Travels - CBSE Class 5 English Prose

1. Who is the main character of “Gulliver’s Travels”?

Lemuel Gulliver, a ship’s surgeon who goes on extraordinary voyages.

2. What are the names of the two lands Gulliver visits in the story?

Lilliput and Brobdingnag.

3. How do the people of Lilliput and Brobdingnag differ in size?

Lilliputians are tiny, while Brobdingnagians are giants.

4. What lesson does Gulliver learn from his travels?

He learns about the diversity of societies and the importance of perspective.

5. How does Gulliver’s size affect his experiences in the two lands?

His size shapes his interactions, from being a giant to being miniature compared to his surroundings.

6. Why is “Gulliver’s Travels” considered a satire?

It uses humor and irony to criticize politics and human nature.

7. What kind of conflicts does Gulliver face?

Gulliver faces conflicts related to power struggles and cultural differences.

8. What does Gulliver find most surprising about the lands he visits?

The stark contrast in scale and the customs of each land surprise him the most.

9. How are the chapters adapted for Class 5 students?

They are simplified to suit young readers, focusing on adventure while introducing underlying themes.

10. What can students take away from Gulliver’s interactions with different societies?

An understanding that diversity is valuable and that empathy is key in interactions.

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