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A story from the Panchatantra about a wise goose saving a flock of geese from a death trap

Introduction to CBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Prose: Flying Together

In the CBSE Class 5 English Prose chapter “Flying Together,” students encounter a fable about the importance of unity and collaboration. The story revolves around a flock of birds that must work together to escape from a hunter’s net. Initially, the birds struggle and flap their wings frantically, but their efforts to fly away are in vain. It is only when they decide to combine their strength and work as a team that they manage to lift the net and fly to safety.

This tale serves as a metaphor for the power of collective effort over individual action. It also subtly introduces the concept of problem-solving through cooperation and communication among the birds. The story teaches young readers that by staying united and working towards a common goal, obstacles can be overcome much more effectively.

Students are encouraged to draw parallels between the birds’ teamwork and real-life situations where they might need to collaborate with others, be it in school projects, sports teams, or family activities. “Flying Together” emphasizes that everyone has a role to play in a team, and each member’s contribution is valuable.

Assignments for Flying Together – CBSE Class 5 English Prose

To reinforce the chapter’s themes, students can complete the following assignments:

  • Reflection on Teamwork: Write a paragraph about a time when you had to work with others to achieve a goal.
  • Birds of a Feather Craft: Create a collage of birds flying together, using recycled materials to symbolize unity.
  • Role-Play Exercise: In groups, act out the story and discuss what each bird might have been thinking during their escape.
  • Teamwork in Nature: Research and present an animal species known for its teamwork, such as ants, bees, or wolves.


“Flying Together” is not just a story; it’s a lesson in unity, cooperation, and the importance of teamwork. As Class 5 students reflect on this narrative, they learn that together they can soar to new heights and tackle challenges they may face in school and in life.

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Questions and Answers for Flying Together - CBSE Class 5 English Prose

1. What obstacles do the birds face in “Flying Together”?

The birds find themselves caught in a hunter’s net and must figure out how to escape.

2. How do the birds initially react to being trapped?

Initially, each bird struggles individually and frantically in an attempt to escape, without success.

3. Who suggests the solution to escape, and what is it?

The wise old bird suggests that they should all fly up together, lifting the net with their combined strength.

4. What is the turning point of the story?

The turning point occurs when the birds realize that they can only escape the net by working together.

5. What lesson do the birds learn by the end of the story?

The birds learn that unity is strength and that by collaborating, they can overcome challenges that seem impossible alone.

6. What does the net symbolize in the story?

The net symbolizes the challenges or obstacles that one may face in life, which require teamwork to overcome.

7. How does “Flying Together” relate to real life?

Just like the birds, people often face problems that can be better solved by working together rather than individually.

8. Why is teamwork important, as shown in the story?

Teamwork is important as it pools the strengths and efforts of individuals to achieve a common goal more effectively.

9. What characteristics of the birds allowed them to succeed?

The birds’ willingness to cooperate, listen to wise counsel, and work together allowed them to succeed.

10. How can you apply the moral of “Flying Together” in school?

Students can apply the moral by working together on group projects, helping each other understand difficult concepts, and supporting each other in sports and other activities.

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