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Prose | Nina and the Baby Sparrows

The heartwarming chapter "Nina and the Baby Sparrows" is a tender tale that teaches children about empathy, compassion, and the beauty of caring for other living beings. This story is a wonderful way to introduce young learners to the themes of kindness and responsibility towards animals.

CBSE Solution for Class 3 English Chapter - Nina and the Baby Sparrows - Introduction

In this chapter, Nina discovers that a family of sparrows has made a home on her window. When her family plans to clean the house, Nina becomes concerned for the safety of the baby sparrows and their nest. She takes it upon herself to protect them, showcasing her caring nature and respect for life. Nina’s actions teach us the importance of being considerate and protective of smaller, vulnerable creatures. Her story exemplifies how even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of others, and how children can be powerful advocates for the protection of wildlife.

Assignments for CBSE Class 3 English Chapter Nina and the Baby Sparrows:

  1. A Bird’s Nest Observation: Observe a bird’s nest in your neighborhood (without disturbing it) and write a paragraph about what you see and how the birds take care of their young.
  2. Story from a Sparrow’s Perspective: Write a short story from the perspective of one of the baby sparrows in Nina’s story, describing a day in the nest.
  3. Protecting Nature Poster: Create a poster that encourages others to protect birds and their habitats. Include tips on how we can make our homes and schools bird-friendly.
  4. Role-Playing Exercise: With a group of friends, act out the story, focusing on Nina’s concern for the sparrows and how she convinces her family to take care of them.
  5. Draw Your Own Bird: Draw and color a picture of a sparrow or any bird you like. Label the parts of the bird and write a few sentences about what makes that bird special.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Solution for Class 3 English Chapter Nina and the Baby Sparrows:

  1. Q: What does Nina discover on her window? A: Nina discovers a nest with baby sparrows on her window.
  2. Q: How does Nina react to her family’s house cleaning plans? A: Nina is worried about the safety of the baby sparrows and their nest, and she takes steps to protect them from being disturbed.
  3. Q: What lesson do we learn from Nina’s actions? A: We learn about the importance of empathy, kindness, and taking action to protect and care for other living creatures.
  4. Q: How can we help protect the birds in our environment? A: We can help protect birds by providing bird feeders, planting native plants, keeping our environment clean, and being mindful not to disturb their nests.
  5. Q: Why is it important to be aware of the animals living around us? A: Being aware of the animals around us is important because it helps us understand our shared environment and the role we play in protecting and preserving it.
  6. Q: What qualities does Nina display in the chapter? A: Nina displays qualities of compassion, responsibility, and proactiveness.
  7. Q: How did Nina’s family respond to her concern for the baby sparrows? A: Nina’s family was understanding and supportive of her concern for the baby sparrows, showing that they also value and respect life.
  8. Q: What can children do to make their homes safe for birds? A: Children can help make their homes safe for birds by asking their families to avoid cutting trees, keeping windows visible to prevent bird collisions, and ensuring that there are no harmful substances or objects around that could harm the birds.
  9. Q: Describe how Nina felt about the baby sparrows. A: Nina felt a deep sense of care and protectiveness towards the baby sparrows, showing her affection and concern for their well-being.
  10. Q: What does Nina and the Baby Sparrows teach us about coexisting with nature? A: The chapter teaches us that coexisting with nature requires understanding, compassion, and actions that support the well-being of all living beings, no matter how small.

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