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Mathematics | Grouping and Sharing (Multiplication and Division)

The chapter "Grouping and Sharing (Multiplication and Division)" introduces young learners to the foundational concepts of multiplication and division. Through engaging activities and examples, students learn to group objects and share them equally, laying the groundwork for understanding these critical mathematical operations.

Introduction to CBSE Class 2 Mathematics Chapter "Grouping and Sharing (Multiplication and Division)"

In this chapter, students explore the basics of multiplication and division using everyday objects and scenarios. Key concepts covered include:

  1. Multiplication as Repeated Addition: Understanding that multiplication is a way of adding the same number multiple times.
  2. Division as Equal Sharing: Learning how to divide a set of objects into equal parts.
  3. Grouping Objects: Using groups to simplify counting and multiplication.
  4. Sharing Equally: Dividing objects equally to understand division.
  5. Multiplication Tables: Introduction to basic multiplication tables for quick recall.

The chapter is designed to make learning fun and interactive, with various exercises and real-life examples to reinforce the concepts.

Assignments for CBSE Class 2 Mathematics Chapter “Grouping and Sharing (Multiplication and Division)”

  1. Draw and Group:
    • Draw 12 apples and group them into sets of 3. How many sets do you have?
    • Draw 16 stars and group them into sets of 4. How many sets do you have?
  2. Sharing Equally:
    • Share 15 candies equally among 3 friends. How many candies does each friend get?
    • Share 20 marbles equally among 4 bowls. How many marbles are in each bowl?
  3. Fill in the Blanks:
    • 5 × 3 = ___
    • 4 × 2 = ___
    • 8 ÷ 4 = ___
    • 12 ÷ 3 = ___
  4. Complete the Multiplication Table:
    • Fill in the multiplication table for 2 and 3.
  5. Word Problems:
    • If there are 5 groups of 4 pencils, how many pencils are there in total?
    • There are 24 cookies. If you divide them equally into 6 plates, how many cookies will each plate have?

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 2 Mathematics Chapter "Grouping and Sharing (Multiplication and Division)"

Q1: What is 5 × 3? ANS: 5 × 3 = 15

Q2: How many groups of 4 can you make with 16 stars? ANS: 16 stars can be grouped into 4 sets of 4.

Q3: Share 12 candies equally among 4 friends. How many candies does each friend get? ANS: Each friend gets 3 candies.

Q4: What is the result of 8 ÷ 2? ANS: 8 ÷ 2 = 4

Q5: Draw 20 apples and group them into sets of 5. How many sets do you have? ANS: 20 apples can be grouped into 4 sets of 5.

Q6: There are 10 cookies. If you divide them equally into 2 plates, how many cookies will each plate have? ANS: Each plate will have 5 cookies.

Q7: Complete the multiplication: 3 × 4 = ___ ANS: 3 × 4 = 12

Q8: How many groups of 3 can you make with 9 balls? ANS: 9 balls can be grouped into 3 sets of 3.

Q9: If you have 18 flowers and you group them into sets of 6, how many sets do you get? ANS: You get 3 sets of 6 flowers.

Q10: What is the result of 12 ÷ 3? ANS: 12 ÷ 3 = 4

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