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Class-11Political Science

Political Science | Legislature (India Constitution at Work)

In this lesson we discuss the importance of Legislature, types of legislature, Houses of Parliament on Central level, State Legislative assembly and others

Introduction to CBSE Class 11 Social Science Political Science Chapter "Legislature - India: Constitution at Work"

This chapter provides a detailed examination of the legislative pillar of the Indian government, emphasizing its bicameral structure, comprising the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States). It begins with an overview of the composition and roles of each house, discussing how they function within the federal structure of India to ensure representation at both the national and state levels.

Students learn about the specific powers and responsibilities of each house, including legislative procedures, the passage of bills, and the budgetary process. The chapter highlights the Lok Sabha’s predominance in financial matters, while the Rajya Sabha plays a crucial role in representing the states’ interests at the federal level.

Key concepts such as the role of parliamentary committees, the legislative process of bill passage (including ordinary bills, money bills, and constitutional amendment bills), and the checks and balances provided by the legislature are thoroughly explored. Additionally, the chapter discusses the importance of the President’s role in the legislative process and how the judiciary can review laws passed by the legislature.

Assignments for CBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter “Legislature – India: Constitution at Work”

  1. Research Project: Investigate a recent bill passed by the Indian Parliament and present its journey through both houses.
  2. Debate: Organize a debate on the effectiveness of bicameralism in contemporary India.
  3. Essay Writing: Write an essay on the role of the Rajya Sabha in federalism.
  4. Mock Parliament: Conduct a mock parliamentary session to understand the legislative process.
  5. Comparative Analysis: Compare the legislative process in India with that of another democratic country.

Conclusion The “Legislature – India: Constitution at Work” chapter is vital for understanding how the legislative arm of the Indian government operates to maintain democracy and govern a diverse nation like India. It lays the groundwork for students to appreciate the complexities of governance and the significant role the legislature plays in shaping public policy and law.

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Questions and Answers for CBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter "Legislature - India: Constitution at Work"

  1. Q1: What are the key functions of the Indian Parliament? ANS: The key functions include lawmaking, controlling the executive, financial control, and representing the electorate.
  2. Q2: How is the Lok Sabha different from the Rajya Sabha? ANS: The Lok Sabha is directly elected by the people and is more dominant in financial matters, while the Rajya Sabha is indirectly elected and represents state interests in the federal structure.
  3. Q3: What is a Money Bill and how is it passed in the Parliament? ANS: A Money Bill pertains to taxes, borrowing of money, or expenditure from the national treasury, and can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha with the President’s recommendation. The Rajya Sabha cannot amend it but can recommend amendments within 14 days.
  4. Q4: Explain the role of Parliamentary Committees. ANS: Parliamentary Committees scrutinize legislation, oversee government functioning, and examine budgetary allocations, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Parliament.
  5. Q5: What is the significance of the President’s assent in the legislative process? ANS: The President’s assent is necessary for a bill to become law. The President can give assent, withhold assent, or return the bill (if it is not a Money Bill) for reconsideration.
  6. Q6: Describe the legislative process of an ordinary bill. ANS: An ordinary bill can be introduced in either house of Parliament, must be passed by both houses, and receive the President’s assent. It involves several readings, discussions, and possibly, committee reviews.
  7. Q7: How does the Rajya Sabha represent the states’ interests at the federal level? ANS: Members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the legislative assemblies of the states and Union territories, ensuring that state interests are considered in national legislation.
  8. Q8: What checks and balances does the legislature have over the executive? ANS: The legislature checks the executive through questions, motions, debates, and financial control measures like the passing of the budget.
  9. Q9: How can the judiciary review laws passed by the legislature? ANS: The judiciary can review laws to ensure they do not contravene the Constitution. This judicial review acts as a check on the legislature’s powers.
  10. Q10: What is the importance of the budgetary process in the Parliament? ANS: The budgetary process is crucial as it determines how the government will raise and spend public funds, ensuring accountability and transparency in financial matters.

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